Science Insights 2025 Application Form

Please complete this form to apply for the 2025 Science Insights summer work experience programme for biological, biomedical and animal sciences.

The closing date for applications is 11.59pm on Monday 24 March 2025.

All applicants must be:

  • In fifth year (current S5, moving into S6 in August) at a high school in Scotland
  • Able to attend in-person sessions in Edinburgh on all five days of Science Insights week: Monday 21 to Friday 25 July 2025, from 10:00am to 5:00pm each day (includes scheduled breaks!)
  • Able to attend our online welcome session on Wednesday 18 June 2025, from 4:30pm to 6:00pm

About You

If different from your first name - we will use this in all communications about Science Insights.
We like to know everyone's preferred pronouns so that we can make Science Insights as inclusive as possible.
Gender identity
This information helps us to make sure that Science Insights is accessible and inclusive.
We will only use this number to contact you during the Science Insights programme, should you be selected. We will use your email address for all contact during the application process.
Your home address
Please provide a daytime contact phone number (e.g. mobile or work phone number) for your parent/carer. We will use this in case of an emergency during the Science Insights programme, should you be selected.

Your School

Local Authority
Please let us know which Scottish local authority your school is in.
So that we can check that you are an S5 pupil at a Scottish high school, please give us the name of a teacher at your school who we can contact to confirm your identity.
Please provide your teacher's school email address so that we can contact them about your participation in Science Insights.

Selection Questions

We use the answers to the following questions to decide who gets a place on the Science Insights programme, so please think carefully about your answers and remember to make them unique to you

Use this question to tell us what you hope to get out of Science Insights - e.g. which parts of the programme are the most exciting to you and what skills you’d like to develop. [50-170 words]
Tell us a bit about yourself and what you would contribute to the program. [50-170 words]
Tell us a bit about yourself and why you like science - we want to hear about what excites you! [50-170 words]
Please select the courses you are studying now (in S5)
Please select all that apply, and use the "Other" option if all of your subject choices aren't included in the list.
If you are considering further/higher education, what subject(s) are you thinking of studying?
Please select all subjects that you are interested in, and use the "Other" option if your subject choice isn't included in the list.

Your access to Science Insights 

We want to make sure that Science Insights is accessible for everyone, so please use the next part of the application form to let us know whether you might have any difficulty accessing the programme, and/or whether you might need any type of additional support to take part in Science Insights. 

Please be reassured that providing this information will not count against you in your application and we will try to help all successful applicants to take part in Science Insights, as far as we can.

Barriers might include things like living too far from Edinburgh to travel from home each day, or the cost of transport. 

Please note that lunch and refreshments are provided to everyone on all five days of the programme. 

Do you require BSL-English interpretation?

We are keen to make Science Insights as inclusive as possible, and that extends to high schools pupils who are d/Deaf. 

Given advance notice we may be able to arrange for BSL-English interpretation during Science Insights, so please let us know if this would be helpful to you.

Widening Access to Science Insights

We work with the University of Edinburgh's Widening Participation team to ensure that Science Insights places are assigned to students from a range of social, cultural and educational backgrounds. Please complete this section to tell us a little more about yourself.

Note that if you select ‘prefer not to say’ we will not be able to take that factor into account when considering your application. So please tell us as much as you are comfortable with. 

Did either of your parents attend university?
Are you eligible for EMA - Education Maintenance Allowance (now and/or in S6)?
Are you eligible for free school meals (now and/or in S6)?
Are you eligible for LEAPS - Lothians Equal Access Programme for Schools (now and/or in S6)?
Are you care experienced or estranged from your family?

Estranged students are usually without the financial or emotional support of their family due to a breakdown in the relationship. We consider you to be care experienced if you have been looked after by a local authority at any time in your life. 

For more information see 

Are you a young carer?
We define a Young Carer as a young person who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member. This means caring for someone, who due to illness, disability, mental health issues, or an addiction, cannot cope without your support.
Are you a refugee or asylum seeker?


Data protection statement and further information – PLEASE READ

  • The Science Insights team will retain the details you have submitted on their database, as well as any future correspondence, and will use the personal contact details you have provided to contact you with information about Science Insights before and after the programme.
  • Your data will be retained for a maximum of seven years and may be used for the purposes of monitoring and tracking by staff at the University of Edinburgh.
  • Your personal data will not be shared with anyone outside the University of Edinburgh, although your school will be aware that you have applied for/have attended Science Insights.
  • Photos/screenshots may be taken during the Science Insights week and may be used in future publicity by the University of Edinburgh. If you are selected to take part in Science Insights, your parent/guardian must complete and submit a photo permission form.
Please tick this box to confirm that you agree to the above
How did you hear about Science Insights?
Please select all that apply
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