We offer a range of flexible study options through our online learning portfolio.
1. Part-time Continuous Study
Students are expected to complete each level of the programme within a 12 month period, the Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and MSc awards are given at the point of exit from the programme.
Postgraduate Certificate Year 1
Students will be required to complete the core modules within a 12 month period in order to be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate.
Postgraduate Diploma Year 2
A Postgraduate Diploma will be awarded after 2 years of study and the accumulation of 120 credits from years one and two.
MSc Year 3
For students to be awarded an MSc, they will have successfully completed years one and two with the accumulation of 120 credits before the production of a Dissertation (or in some cases additional courses) worth 60 credits in the third year.
Tuition fees
The associated payments are also invoiced according to the year of study.
2. Part-time Intermittent Study
This is a more flexible way of studying than Continuous Study. Students are expected to complete each level of the programme within a 24 month period, the Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and MSc awards are given at the point of exit from the programme.
The standard programme structure is still maintained in terms of the progression requirement. However, you can tailor your education to fit more closely with commitments in both your private and professional life.
It is important to organise your studies so that the dissertation year can be committed to as a 12 month piece of work, as it is not possible to elongate the time permitted for this particular piece of work beyond the standard pattern of delivery.
Tuition fees
If you choose to study this programme on a part-time intermittent basis, you also pay your tuition fees on a course-by-course basis rather than paying for the entire programme at the outset.
3. Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD)
Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD) is aimed at working professionals who want to advance their knowledge through a postgraduate-level course(s), without the time or financial commitment of a full Masters, Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate.
You may take a maximum of 50 credits worth of courses over two years through our PPD scheme. These lead to a University of Edinburgh postgraduate award of academic credit. Alternatively, after one year of taking courses you can choose to transfer your credits and continue on to studying towards a higher award on a Masters, Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate programme. Although PPD courses have various start dates throughout a year you may only start a Masters, Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate programme in the month of September. Any time spent studying PPD will be deducted from the amount of time you will have left to complete a Masters, Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate programme.
Tuition fees
If you choose to study through the Postgraduate Professional Development route, you pay your tuition fees on a course-by-course basis.
Study options for online learning
For more information on the prescribed periods of study time available, please consult the following PDF: