Supporting documents

We need evidence that you meet our eligibility criteria, from evidence of English Language proficiency to your degree transcript and references.

Supporting documentation, such as degree certificates and references, must be uploaded to your application. Advice can be found here on which documents you should have ready, and what format they should be saved in. We are unable to make an unconditional offer until all supporting documents have been uploaded.

Documents to have ready before you start your application

  1. Degree Certificate or Formal Letter from your university if you have yet to graduate (any offer of a place would then be conditional on providing final documentation following graduation).
  2. Final Degree Transcript or Interim Transcript if not yet received. (Any offer of a place would be conditional on providing final documentation following graduation).
  3. Reference(s).
  4. Evidence of proficiency in English (if English is not your first language - read more below).
  5. Research Proposal and CV (for MSc by Research & PhDs only)

More advice here on all aspects of making your application

Research proposal & CV

A research proposal is not required for the following Masters by Research programmes, as these contain a taught element:

  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Cardiovascular Biology
  • Integrative Neuroscience
  • Reproductive Sciences
  • Medical Sciences (MMedSci)
  • Veterinary Sciences (MVetSci)

A research proposal is required for all other Masters by Research degrees. Please contact a possible supervisor within our Research Centres prior to submitting an application.