Postgraduate Life

All the latest news, events and other information from within the College's postgraduate community. Also provides helpful resources for prospective students and alumni.

Are you a natural at creating TikToks or Instagram Reels? Or just keen to show off your online learning experience through short-form video? We want you to create Instagram Reel content for us! 

Our application for accreditation, from the Federation for Informatics Professionals in Health and Social Care (FEDIP), was approved. Students will now have the FEDIP logo and new text added onto their certificate of completion.

On 15-16 June, many of Usher Institute’s postgraduate teaching team will be hosting sessions at the 2022 Learning and Teaching conference. This year’s theme is ‘Shaping our Futures’.

In 2021, the MSc Epidemiology programme was successfully launched. It has been an outstanding achievement for the meaningful connections the team have already made with their students, and this has been further evidenced by the nomination they received in the 2022 student-led Teaching Awards, in the “Outstanding Innovation in Digital Teaching” category.

Whether you choose to study online or attend an on-campus course, it’s important that the programme meets your needs and priorities. Online vs On-campus Masters – here are some things to consider.

Lindsey, one of our Master of Public Health (online) students, reflects on her experience of writing a dissertation during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As a final year MPH student, you have an opportunity to take a SLICC instead of a traditional dissertation. In this route, you will explore a topic of your interest from different public health perspectives, which will make you an expert on your chosen topic at the end - or at least that is what happened to me!

Niamh is a 3rd year PhD student in the Division of Psychiatry researching adolescent depression. In this Q&A, she answers questions about her path into a PhD, why she chose Edinburgh for her studies and the best and worst parts about doing a PhD.

Alisha, one of our PhD Tissue Repair students based at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine answers questions about doing a Masters before starting a PhD, the interview process and some top tips for first years.

Our PhD students share six things they wish they’d known before they started their PhD, from taking advantage of every opportunity to knowing when to take a break.

Alifia Chakera, part-time Master of Public Health alumni, explains her career progression toward climate change in healthcare, and how she began the journey.

We take a look back at some of the highlights from our postgraduate community during the last academic year.

In this blog post, we address the popular myth that PhD students work all day and night without time for a proper social life. In fact, PhD life brings a wide variety of opportunities to make new friends and connections.

The College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine has once again performed extremely well in the annual PTES results.

We chat to Matt about his experience of the online MSc Stem Cells and Translational Neurology programme.

We're pleased to announce that the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine has performed extremely well in the latest Complete University Guide rankings.

Meet the Health and Social Care (HSC) Data Driven Innovation (DDI) Talent programme team who provide their insight on the power of data in health and social care.

Since January 2021, Dr. Neneh Rowa-Dewar has co-directed the part-time Master of Public Health (MPH) programme together with Dr. Rose Geddes.

Professor Baljean Dhillon recently chatted with David Pyott, ex-CEO of Allergan, about the impact of the Pyott Foundation Scholarships in Clinical Ophthalmology.

Many congratulations to all our postgraduate staff who were either winners, shortlisted or included on the Roll of Honour!

Ania shares thoughts on how SLICC, a student-led course which is a part of online Master in Public Health programme, facilitated completing a work project and presenting its results at the European Congress on Obesity.

A student reflection blog post by Ludoviko Zirimenya a graduate of The University of Edinburgh.

In this post, Grace Lewis, an Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research PhD student at the University of Leeds, shares her experience of writing a journal article from her MPH dissertation completed with the Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh.

Congratulations to the MSc Patient Safety and Clinical Human Factors team, whose programme has just achieved accreditation with the Chartered Institute for Ergonomics and Human Factors.

Pauliina shares her thoughts on how the online masters degree helped introduce her to new perspectives on biodiversity. Pauliina also chats about how the MSc prompted her to make a career change.

Meet the friendly and dedicated team behind our online MSc Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia.

Advance in your career with Health Data Science certification. Applications are now open.

In March 2021, new online masters degrees were launched, with support and funding from the DDI programme.

Two of our MSc Clinical Education students reflect on how the Commonwealth Scholarships have benefited their career and the important health work they do.

Mostafa is one of our hard-working and friendly tutors on the MSc Internal Medicine. Check out this post to learn more about his role and expertise.

Chaona is one of our amazing online graduates. Here she chats about her experience of the MSc Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health.

In this blog post, we explain what accreditation is and how it benefits online programmes.

Meet the interesting and talented team behind the new MSc Data Science for Health and Social Care programme.

The data revolution is here to stay and has led to the development of this new postgraduate programme.

Meet the friendly and dedicated team behind our popular online MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour.

Meet the friendly and dedicated team behind our new online masters in Epidemiology.

The emergence of a global pandemic has led to a newfound interest in epidemiology. What is it? Who can study it?

We chat to Eric, a GP trainee, about his experience of the online MSc Internal Medicine so far.

In this blog post, we explain what accreditation means for online programmes and why it's so important.

Darien is one of our Master of Family Medicine graduates. He now acts as a tutor on the programme while working as a doctor in Indonesia.