Madalena, PhD Evolutionary and Developmental Biology

Madalena is a second year PhD student from Portugal. 

Read Madalena's blog

 Kiki, MSc Global Health and Infectious Diseases

Kiki is from Nigeria and studied the MSc Global Health and Infectious Diseases online.

Read Kiki's blog

Joshua, PhD Genetics and Molecular Medicine

Joshua is a second year PhD student from the UK.

Read Joshua's blog

Nancy, MSc Equine Science

Nancy earned her Masters while working in the Midwest USA.

Read Nancy's blog

 Chiara, PhD Neuroscience

Chiara is from Austria and recently graduated with a PhD in Neuroscience.

Read Chiara's blog

 Amy, PhD Population Health Sciences

Amy is from Canada and currently studies for a PhD in Population Health Sciences.

Read Amy's blog

 Sinéad and Bérengère, PhD Psychiatry

Sinéad and Bérengère write a joint blog describing their experience of PhD study. 

Read Sinéad and Bérengère's blog

Kayla, Master of Public Health

Kayla is an American who studied the on-campus MPH degree. 

Read Kayla's blog

Emma, PhD One Health Models of Disease

Emma is a current PhD student at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies.

Read Emma's blog

 Greg, PhD Precision Medicine

Greg is final year student on the PhD Precision Medicine.

Read Greg's blog

 Matthys, MSc Food Safety

Matthys is from South Africa. He is a second year student on the MSc Food Safety programme.

Read Matthys' blog

Theoklitos, PhD Precision Medicine

Theoklitos is from Greece and is in his third year of a PhD in Precision Medicine.

Read Theoklitos' blog