Science Insights

Science Insights is an exciting work experience programme designed to give 5th year high school pupils a real insight into the work and life of research scientists.

Science Insights provides an opportunity for 40 high school pupils to spend a week of their summer holidays following a varied programme of activities hosted by staff and students at four different University of Edinburgh campuses, gaining a real insight into research and work in many different areas of biological, biomedical and animal sciences. Science Insights is a non-residential programme, open to S5 pupils at Scottish high schools. 

Science Insights was launched in 2014 by the Institute of Genetics and Cancer and the Roslin Institute, and now involves all six research institutes in the University of Edinburgh's College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, providing access to its cutting-edge facilities and inspiring researchers.

Activities include:

  • Tours of a range of scientific facilities on four University of Edinburgh campuses
  • Presentations, workshops and discussions on topics including research ethics, the use of animals in research, and diversity and inclusion in science
  • Opportunities to meet current University of Edinburgh students and researchers
  • Small-group Science Taster Sessions, providing hands-on experience of real research and work in science
  • Skills session to help with future university applications

Widening participation is at the heart of the University of Edinburgh’s agenda, so we work with the Widening Participation team to ensure places are assigned to pupils from a range of social, cultural and educational backgrounds.

What Science Insights Alumni say

“The Science Insights team made everyone feel involved and planned an amazing and insightful week that I won’t forget.”

“It was extraordinarily worthwhile.  If next year’s SI students are going to have anything near my experience then they should know they are in for something special.”

Please note that Science Insights is not designed as a work experience programme for school pupils planning to study Medicine. Instead, it is aimed at those who are curious about research in biological, biomedical and animal sciences, and/or who may still be deciding which areas to explore.

If you are looking for advice on obtaining work experience for your application to Medicine, we recommend the Medical Schools Council webpages: You can also explore other events from the University’s College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine here: and check if you are eligible to join our Reach programme for aspiring doctors and vets here:


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Information on how to apply to Science Insights.

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Researchers, technical staff and students from across the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine participate in Science Insights.


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Stories about the programme from our Science Insights Alumni.

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A selection of images from past Science Insights weeks.