Niamh Armstrong was part of our first cohort of Science Insighters, back in 2014. When we invited her to our 2019 reunion she wrote back to say sorry she couldn't be there, because she was graduating from the University of Glasgow! Here Niamh reflects on her experience. "I thoroughly enjoyed my time on the science insights programme and I still tell people about it, 5 years down the line. I strongly believe that the programme played a huge part in helping me to receive university offers and I was grateful for the chance to work with scientists across many different disciplines. It was an extremely worthwhile experience and one that I would strongly recommend to anyone thinking of applying. I have now graduated with a 2:1 in Veterinary Biosciences from the University of Glasgow and I have just started a full time job as a histopathology technician in the university of Glasgow’s veterinary diagnostic service." Niamh Armstrong, BSc, July 2019 Image Niamh Armstrong, Science Insights 2014 Alumni graduating from University of Glasgow This article was published on 2024-09-09