Mass spectrometry

Detect, identify and quantitate molecules in biological and clinical samples

Mass spectrometry is a critical tool for qualitative and quantitative identification of molecules.

Mass spectrometry facilities within the College contain a variety of  sample preparation equipment, chromatography and mass spectrometry instrumentation. Each facility has expertise in experimental design, method development, application, data interpretation and, importantly, innovation. Through this range of equipment and expertise, the facilities can support researchers by:

  • identifying unknowns through untargeted analysis such as metabolomics, proteomics and lipidomics
  • calculating the absolute quantity of one or many compounds in a single sample using targeted analysis approaches and molecular pathway profiling, using bioanalytical method validation, which is particularly valuable in clinical research studies
  • offering imaging mass spectrometry which generates spatial resolution of molecules in tissue slices.

Mass spectrometry facilities in the College

Each facility has a different focus, teams of expertise and ranges of instrumentation and we work with you to answer your research questions.

  • The Queen's Medical Research Institute (QMRI) mass spectrometry facility in the Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences is part of the Clinical Research Facility (CRF) and offers targeted analysis of biomarkers, drug metabolism and drug discovery workflows and Imaging Mass Spectrometry. It has ACCORD accreditation and can analyse locally sponsored clinical trial samples.
  • The Institute of Genetics and Cancer (IGC) mass spectrometry facility conducts untargeted analysis on high-resolution mass spectrometers for proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics.
  • The Roslin mass spectrometry facility offers ultra-sensitive quantitative proteomics and post-translational modification analysis including high-throughput screening for metabolites and mass spectrometry imaging of tissues at high spatial resolution for both targeted and discovery applications..

QMRI CRF mass spectrometry facility

IGC mass spectrometry facility

Roslin mass spectrometry facility