CVS CPR Seminar Series 2022 - Presentations from Core Facility Managers

This series of talks will provide new and existing staff/students with information (including fundamentals of the methodology) and the opportunity to see what the facilities offer as well as review/remind/enhance their knowledge and skills.

CVS Research integrity committee would like to invite all of you to the Special Hybrid CVS CPR Talk (Wednesdays, 12:00-13:00, 21st September - 5th October). The seminar is held in the QMRI auditorium and streamed through Teams.

The core facilities within CMVM provide key techniques and expertise for our research. The presentation series would suit both new users and current users. The complete schedule is available below:  








Slot 1

Rolly Wiegand

Confocal and Advanced Light Microscopy Facility (CALM), SURF


Optical imaging services in the QMRI - an outlook


Slot 1

Pamela Brown

Biomolecular Core, SURF

30 min

Biomolecular core: viral vectors and much more


Slot 2

Takeshi Fujisawa

BHF Cardiovascular Biomarker Laboratory, CVS

30 min

BHF Cardiovascular Biomarker Laboratory: Clinical grade, high-throughput biomarker analysis


Slot 1

Mike Miller

Histological imaging and immunodetection, SURF

30 min

Tissue based research: What we offer, what would you like?


Slot 2

Ann Wheeler

Advanced Imaging Resource, Institute of Genetics and Cancer

30 min

Supporting super-resolution microscopy in Edinburgh, accessing the ESRIC Facility


Each session will include the following (but not limited to):

• Overview of the Core Facility and the main contacts/lab staff (who’s who)

• Workflow (induction, access to the service, consultation/quotation etc.)

• How the technology/technique works

• General procedures/tips (things need to know for sample preparation for the best result etc.)

• Good laboratory practice specific for the technique/platform (things supposed to be done by the user but often missed etc.)

• Advanced technology/platform


Please click here to access the talks via Teams remotely.


Please note that we plan to record the presentation to create a shared resource for CVS and other staff and students. A link will be provided at a later date.