Find out what is required to access Learn and other software. Any new computer bought or upgraded within the last 3 years is likely to meet the minimum requirements for accessing our programme. As a rough guide, we recommend a machine (PC or Mac) with at least the following basic specification.Processor: 3.0 GHz processorMemory: 2 GB of RAMHard disk: at least 100 GB hard disk drive (typical sizes are usually 300 GB and up)It is possible to use speakers and a microphone built into your computer; but we find using a headset with earphones and a microphone works better. You will also need a webcam if this in not built in. Other than a standard word processing package you should not need to purchase any software, though you may need to download additional free programmes (for example an audio player to view some video material). For the best experience, use the latest versions of Chrome, Safari or Firefox for your web-browser.To get the most out of the online tutorials and recordings, you will need good internet access; preferably broadband and the faster the speed the better. Because tutorials run in the evenings (UK time) tutors often run these from home with broadband speeds of around 15 Kb/ps. Please be aware that, due to firewalls and other security systems some work-based computers may block access to the University's e-learning sites. If you are concerned about this, the specification of your computer or your internet service, please get in touch and we can arrange a test or suggest options.You will receive further guidance and an opportunity to test our software with us during your induction week. This article was published on 2024-09-09