Year three

Pathways for Year 3

The third year of the programme consists of three pathways shown in the diagram below.  You will be asked to choose one pathway prior to the start of the academic year in September.

Please note that the courses shown are indicative and may be subject to change.  

Image of the Clinical Education Year 3 Diagram 2022-23


Pathway 1

Further information about the Semester 2 and 3 courses in Pathway 1 can be found on our Year two page.  Further information about the Critical Literature Review course is shown below.  Please note that this course is a core course (compulsory) for Semester 1.

Pathway 2

The two courses shown below will be taken together:


Critical Literature Review

This course affords students the opportunity to undertake and complete an in-depth critical review of literature pertaining to a ‘problem’ or chosen topic. Throughout the course, the critical literature review process is examined in order that students refine their research topic, while learning to systematically search for, collate, critically analyse, organise, and synthesise literature pertaining to it. To promote reflexivity, the assessment will also have a reflective component.  On completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Investigate a problem through critical literature review.
  • Design and implement a systematic search following a methodological framework.
  • Organise and critically analyse retrieved research evidence.
  • Synthesise research evidence from disparate sources.
  • Critically reflect on learning in relation to critical literature review.

Adopting quality improvement methodology approaches to clinical education

This course offers students the opportunity to critically study and systematically examine the methods and factors that best work to facilitate quality improvement approaches.  Students will develop a QI project proposal to manage change in the most effective way within their own healthcare setting. The underlying research around QI principles, cultures, approaches, and methods are explored to help students to consider how best to improve quality of educational practice in their setting.  Please note this does not include the execution of the planned project.  On completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Develop critical awareness of quality improvement principles, approaches, and application to healthcare education.
  • Identify and differentiate the most popular quality improvement approaches, frameworks, and methods along with the strengths and weaknesses of each.
  • Critically review the relationship between theories and workplace practice.
  • Appraise QI evaluation/measurement strategies applicable to healthcare settings.
  • Plan an improvement project to apply learning into practice including evaluation strategies, performance measures and key steps to manage the QI project.
Pathway 3

This consists of a 60 credit dissertation and the academic year runs from September to August.

You will be allocated a supervisor to support you in this work.  You can choose a topic related to your own clinical work, or contribute to ongoing programmes of research led by the programme team.  Literature based studies are also permissible.

You can choose to submit the dissertation as a 15,000 word document, or as a paper for publication with a supporting commentary.

Some examples of previous dissertation topics include:

  • Learning styles in medical education - a scoping review.
  • Exploring the motivation of adjunct nursing instructors: a theory of relational practice.
  • A qualitative study of the use and perceived value of workplace based tutorials during orthodontic therapy training.
  • Exploring the lived experiences of Relational Practice between supervisor and student during an online master's dissertation course.
  • Inter-professional education.  Hitting the "sweet spot", a quasi-experimental study of an inter-professional prescribing masterclass, featuring undergraduate medical students and non-medical graduate prescribing students.
  • The competencies desired of applicants to enter psychiatry specialty training.  A Delphi study.
  • Medical laboratory technology discovery training: an innovative approach.

Further Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions

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