Year one

Courses for the Postgraduate Certificate

The first year of the programme consists of three compulsory, 20 credit courses.  Each course has  9 or 10 weeks of content, with a reading week in the middle and some also have statutory holidays.  The academic year runs from September to May.

CourseCreditsCore or Elective

Principles of Teaching and Learning 

This course is designed to encourage students to consider the learner, the teacher and the educational environment and how these factors interact.  On completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Critically consider a range of different teaching approaches.
  • Develop approaches that take into account individual learner differences, including background, beliefs, motivation and preferences.
  • Critically reflect on a range of theories of learning and their capacity to analyse and inform practice.
  • Critique the role of the teacher in formal and informal learning situations.
  • Appreciate the impact and importance of the learning environment.




The Curriculum 

This course will consider: what is a curriculum, how it is created and what impact it has on students, institutions and professional development in the undergraduate and postgraduate phases.  On completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the key pedagogic features of a teaching activity and its context.
  • Illustrate the impact on a curriculum of context (social/political/professional) and the role of stakeholders.
  • Analyse a curriculum with reference to a range of design models.
  • Assess a teaching activity in relation to its alignment with associated curricula, learning outcomes and assessment.
  • Describe how a range of practical and logistical factors influence the realisation of a curriculum.




Assessment, Examinations and Standard Setting 

The focus of this course is on the principles of good assessment as it relates to the range of methods used within healthcare today across the world.  On completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Critically evaluate the pedagogical impact of assessment and feedback
  • Critique a range of assessment formats in relation to different purposes
  • Explain the key factors in establishing the quality of assessment
  • Apply principles of good assessment design, including an understanding of context
  • Apply principles of effective feedback to enhance formal or informal teaching




Please note that these may be subject to change.

All courses must be passed at the first attempt to allow progression to Year 2, or the award of a Postgraduate Certificate.

Completion of the Postgraduate Certificate,  enables you to apply for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) - now Advance HE.  You can also apply for membership of the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME).