We regularly hold lunchtime forums providing useful information on a particular subject, as well other special events. Details of upcoming events, booking links and slides from past events can be viewed below: Career Consultation for Academics from IAD - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19 Hear from the university's newly-appointed research staff careers consultant, Eleanor Hennige and get some advice and guidance on what career consultation services the UoE and IAD offers. Monday, 4 May - 12.00 noon, East Seminar Room E4.07, IGMM Building (Western General) Speaker: Eleanor Hennige, Careers Consultant, IAD Booking link: https://www.events.ed.ac.uk/index.cfm?event=showEventDetails&scheduleId=39648 Are you a PS & TS staff member who wants to get the most out of your Performance & Development Review (Appraisal) process ? CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19 On 26 March 2019 - Callum Watson, Senior HR advisor will be discussing how to get the most from your PD&R East Seminar Room E4.07, IGMM Building (Western General) Book today: https://www.events.ed.ac.uk/index.cfm?event=showEventDetails&scheduleId=39647 Feel you have performed beyond your job description? Then please speak to your line manager about applying for a Contribution Award before the start of April. On 5 March 2020 - Poppy Kemp, Assistant HR advisor will discuss: Career Development & Reward for Professional Services Staff South Seminar Room S1.14, IGMM Building (Western General) at 12 noon. Book today - https://www.events.ed.ac.uk/index.cfm?event=showEventDetails&scheduleId=39431 On 22 January 2020 - Poppy Kemp, Assistant HR advisor will discuss: Professional Services Staff: Career Development Seminar Room 4, The Chancellor’s Building at 12 noon. Feel you have performed beyond your job description? Then please speak to your line manager about applying for a Contribution Award before the start of April. Document PS & TS Career Development Workshop (143.02 KB / PPTX) Document Personal Development Form - Career Development (508.79 KB / PDF) On 5 December 2019 - Callum Watson, Senior HR advisor will be joined by Professor Lorna Marson and Professor Lesley Forrester to discuss: Academic Progression: becoming a Professor Document Academic Promotions - Callum Watson - 5 December (1.9 MB / PDF) Document Academic Progression: becoming a Professor (Prof Lorna Marson) (8.04 MB / PDF) University Academic Promotions Sharepoint Page - HERE (This is the link to all the forms, templates and promotion profiles) MVM Guidance on Academic Promotions: HERE (This link is where the timelines for 2020 will be posted when they have been finalised) On 2018 - Pauline McLeod Senior HR Advisor CMVM Support Staff Promotion – what you need to know Document Support Staff Promotion – what you need to know (339.6 KB / PPTX) Pauline McLeod from HR has explained the promotion process within the university on a number of different occasions now in the past two years, each time followed by one of our eminent female academics who spoke about their personal experiences. The below slides are from the latest repeat of this event held in October 2017. Document The University of Edinburgh Promotion Process for Academics (365.01 KB / PPTX) On 22 October 2015 Elspeth Wedgwood (HR) gave an overview of the policies that exist to support staff and students with caring responsibilities. Document A work-life balance: Family friendly Policies and Support at the University (1.15 MB / PPTX) On 17 September 2015 a special event was organised by Martyn Pickersgill (Edinburgh Medical School) with presentations from two guest speakers Euan Adie (founder of altmetric.com) and Paul Naish (publisher at Taylor & Francis). They introduced altmetrics and discussed how it can benefit academics. Vimeo - Career Progression, Equality & the Role of Altmetrics On 6 October 2015 and again on 3 February 2016 Prof Philippa Saunders (Director of Postgraduate Research, CMVM) and Prof Ian Dransfield (CIR) presented at a Lunchtime forum entitled “Let’s talk about vivas – how to run a successful viva” Document Being an internal examiner (1.04 MB / PDF) Document How to run a successful viva (540.84 KB / PDF) On 2 June 2015 Marie Leadbetter from Mentoring Connections gave a presentation about the What, Why and Who of Mentoring. Document Mentoring – What, Why and Who? (724.07 KB / PPTX) On 20 January 2015 and again on 9 March 2016 Elspeth Wedgwood from HR gave a talk on what is involved with the Performance and Development Review (P&DR). Document The P&DR process – a practical guide (1.46 MB / PPTX) On 9 June 2014, 28 January 2015 and again on 19 May 2015 Elspeth Wedgwood from HR gave an overview of flexible working policy within the university. Document Flexible Working (396.41 KB / PPTX) On 24 September 2014 Elspeth Wedgwood from HR gave a talk on the processes involved in recruiting academic staff. Document The Recruitment Process for Academic Staff (396.41 KB / PPTX) On 29 October 2014 and again on 21 January 2015 Jennifer McCluskey (Research Liaison manager with Finance at central UoE) gave a talk on Grant Finance Management. Document Post-Award Grant Finance Management (514.87 KB / PPTX) This article was published on 2024-09-09