A TOF is a developmental opportunity to have your teaching observed by a CEP tutor in a safe and supportive environment and it constitutes Framework Area 7. What types of teaching do you observe? We interpret teaching very broadly so we will observe any type of educational encounter, and in any environment where this is practical. Examples include, but are not limited to:lecturestutorialsProblem Based Learning (PBL) sessionssimulationone-to-one supervisionclinical/bedside teachingteaching in specialist settings (theatre, anaesthetic room, laboratory)online teachingWe will observe online only where we attend at the time of teaching, ie we will not provide feedback on pre-recorded video lectures or recordings from live lessons. We can observe undergraduate and postgraduate supervisory meetings provided that your student / trainee has consented. Your teaching session should ideally be scheduled for one hour but we can be flexible. How do I prepare for my TOF session? There is no specific preparation required, however, however you need to have completed at least 4 of the CEP courses before requesting a TOF. We recommend that you reflect on these workshops before you have your TOF as you might wish to apply any learning from those to your teaching. What happens on the day of the TOF session? Meeting details can be agreed via email with the allocated CEP tutor in advance of your observation. In the case of in-person teaching, the tutor will come to your location in good time before your session starts. In the case of online teaching, you will be expected to provide a link to let the tutor log in to your lesson. A second link may be required for the feedback discussion. This can be discussed with your tutor prior to the observation date. Teaching observations are mapped to the Professional Standards Framework (PSF 2023) | Advance HE (advance-he.ac.uk) for teaching and supporting learning in higher education. There will be a feedback discussion after your session, so please allow 30 minutes for this. We would like to emphasise that there is no graded element to teaching observations. Rather, they are an informal developmental activity and their purpose is to highlight what you do well and to identify where there may be potential for development in your educational practice. You will be provided with a copy of your teaching observation and feedback document shortly after the observation, (usually within one week). How do I arrange to have my teaching observed? Once our administrators receive your request, you will be put in touch with a CEP tutor with whom you can agree specific arrangements. We are flexible and will do our utmost to accommodate your request. It is very helpful if you provide as much notice as possible, and if you can provide more than one possible date / time, this increases the chances of a tutor being available. You will be asked to provide the following information:Dates and times of teaching Duration of teaching Venue (platform if your teaching is online) Nature of your teaching (eg ward-based, lecture, etc)Approximate number of learners Your contact telephone number We recommend that you only request a TOF session once you have completed at least 4 of the CEP courses. Request a TOF Document CEP Teaching Log Template (60.33 KB / DOCX) This article was published on 2025-03-14