The Clinical Educator Programme (CEP) provides medical educators within south-east Scotland with the support and community necessary for skill development and career growth in teaching and learning. Our goal is excellence in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education.

Specifically, the CEP aims to:   

  • provide accessible routes through which faculty and staff can enhance their teaching skills and knowledge 
  • guide and facilitate the development of a skilled educator community in south-east Scotland 
  • increase the motivation and satisfaction of faculty as educators 
  • give nationally-accredited recognition to those who can demonstrate proficiency in the educator role (Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy - AFHEA).

Overhead shot of a student doing an online course on a laptop

Complete the whole programme or select the courses relevant to you.


Find an overview of the programme here

Find a description of the CEP courses and workshop dates here.

Find a description of TOF sessions and how to book one here.

How to keep up-to-date: revalidating your CEP certificate

Teaching opportunities from Edinburgh Medical School and the Medical Education Directorate in NHS Lothian.

Find answers to common questions in this section.

Next steps beyond the CEP programme.

Information that CEP participants may find helpful.

The Education Forum is a regular, free, hybrid event that takes place twice per month on Thursdays, 1-2pm.

We are connected with and run a variety of events that take place within Edinburgh.