Frequently asked questions

If you have a query about the CEP programme, you should find an answer here.

Am I eligible to participate in the Clinical Educator Programme? 

You are eligible to participate if one or more of the following applies to you:

  • You teach University of Edinburgh Medical School students in any capacity, (you may be medical, nursing, allied health professional, clinical, research, labs etc)
  • You work in one of the NHS territorial or special health boards that take Edinburgh Medical School students, (Lothian, Fife, Borders, Ayrshire & Arran, Dumfries & Galloway, Forth Valley, Lanarkshire, State Hospital, NSS/BTS, Highland, Western Isles)
  • You teach resident doctors within the South-East Scotland Deanery

How much does it cost? 

The CEP is free of charge to all eligible participants. 

How much of the CEP do I have to complete? 

You can do as much, or as little, of the CEP as you like.  You may choose one course or you may wish to complete the full suite of 6 courses and have your teaching observed, depending on your needs and your educational role.

Can I participate in CEP if I do not have a named teaching role? 

Yes.  We expect that most healthcare professionals are involved in teaching to some degree regardless of whether they have a designated or named teaching role. Provided you meet the CEP eligibility criteria, you can enrol.

What should I do if have a named undergraduate educational role, (eg Module Organiser, Local Module Lead)?

All CEP courses are mapped to the seven GMC Framework Areas (FAs) for GMC Trainer recognition, (each course is mapped to a single FA, 1-6, and the teaching observation and feedback (TOF) session is mapped to FA7).  

If you require initial or ongoing GMC recognition or revalidation as an undergraduate trainer you may choose whichever courses are relevant to your role. This may be several specific CEP courses or the full CEP programme.  Your appraiser will be able to advise you. 

What should I do if I have a named postgraduate educational role, (eg Clinical Supervisor, Educational Supervisor)?

All CEP courses are mapped to the seven GMC Framework Areas (FAs) for GMC Trainer recognition, (each course is mapped to a single FA, 1-6, and the teaching observation and feedback (TOF) session is mapped to FA7).  

If you require initial or ongoing GMC recognition or revalidation as a postgraduate trainer you may choose whichever courses are relevant to your role.  This may be several specific CEP courses or the full CEP programme. Clinical Supervisors need to evidence achievement of FAs 1-4 and 7.  Educational Supervisors need to evidence achievement of FAs 1-7.  Your appraiser and your local Medical Education Directorate will be able to advise you. 

How can I get involved with teaching Edinburgh medical students? 

If you are interested in gaining more teaching experience, the Clinical Skills, MBChB Assessment and the Communication Skills teams in Edinburgh Medical School welcome approaches from those who are interested in supporting teaching and the running of examinations. Alternatively, you may prefer to contribute to the teaching of Edinburgh medical students on a particular module or you might like to become a Clinical Tutor Associate (CTA). You will find additional information about these, and other opportunities, at the Teaching Opportunities link 

Can I have my online teaching observed? 

Yes.  When planning to have your teaching observed please share any links with the CEP administration team and/or your observer. Remember to protect 30 minutes for a feedback discussion following your observed teaching and to set up a separate link for that discussion if required. 

Can I have my face-to-face teaching observed? 

Yes.  When contacting CEP to arrange this, please offer as much information as you can regarding date, time, venue, type of teaching, and learner group. 

Can I have my bedside teaching or other teaching observed in clinical places? 

Yes.  All observers are able to visit clinical areas.  Please gain the consent of any patients and those in charge of the clinical shift. 

Can I have a one-to-one supervisory session with a student or trainee observed? 

Yes.  Please inform and gain consent from the student or trainee prior to the session. 

Will observers be willing to travel to observe my teaching? 

Yes. Observers are able to travel across Edinburgh, Lothians, Fife and Borders. They can also visit other areas outside this region on request, and dependent on circumstances. Please contact the CEP team to discuss this. 

Can I record my teaching and have my observer give me feedback later? 

No.  Observers will only provide feedback on live teaching. 

Can you observe my face-to-face-teaching remotely? 

No.  If your teaching is designed to be online, observers will also join online. If your teaching is face-to-face, observers will attend in person.  

If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

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