Medical Education

Medical Education is dedicated to providing the highest quality learning and teaching environment for the greater wellbeing of our students.

Staff with the Centre for Medical Education

Medical Education provides advice and services that support the University and NHS in enhancing the learning and teaching experience for our students.

We provide a range of services, including:

  • the Medical Teaching Organisation
  • Postgraduate Clinical Education, Assessment and Quality Management & Enhancement teams (supporting students and enhancing the student experience at the University of Edinburgh)
  • the Clinical Educators Programme (training and supporting educators within the South East of Scotland)
  • Edinburgh Patient Partnership Supporting Assessment and Teaching (EPPSAT), supplying patients for training purposes on the MBChB, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

We have activities across several campuses at BioQuarter, the Western General Hospital, the University Central Area and the Royal Edinburgh Hospital and placements provided across the South East of Scotland.



The Medical Teaching Organisation is committed to a professional delivery of effective, innovative and student focused undergraduate medical education.

Simulated patients portray the characteristics of real patients to help medical students to learn about doctor-patient interactions.

Supporting education and assessment across the UK and internationally.

The ACT office works with NHS Education Scotland and NHS boards to ensure that funding for teaching is allocated to all providers and the necessary service level agreements are in place.

The Clinical Skills Centre is a versatile area suited to a variety of different types of educational and informal practice. 

The Edinburgh Patient Partnership Supporting Assessment and Teaching (EPPSAT) service sources patients to contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate clinical examinations and teaching.

Medical Education runs a variety of education courses, designed for those teaching undergraduate students or postgraduate clinical trainees.