Meet the team

Details of the programme team and their profiles.

The HCP-Med team has highly experienced clinical and non-clinical teachers, all of whom have extensive experience in higher education.

We are also very fortunate to have team members with expertise in both the pedagogical and technical aspects of eLearning. 

We work closely with colleagues teaching on the main MBChB programme.  The academic team is supported by Nicola McKay, Programme Administrator and Johana Russotto Ramirez, Senior Admissions Officer, HCP-Med focus. 

Our aim is to provide the best possible learning experience for our students and our approach is underpinned by a spirit of openness whereby we encourage constructive feedback and peer learning.  



Team profiles

Dr Jen KennedyProgramme DirectorDr Jen Kennedy
Ms Kezia BrownE-learning Lead and Senior Clinical LecturerMs Kezia Brown
Dr Polly HashmiEarly Years Curriculum Lead and Teaching Fellow in MedicineDr Polly Hashmi
Dr Rupsha FraserTeaching Fellow in MedicineDr Rupsha Fraser
Prof John FrankLead, Research and Evidence-Based Medicine ModuleProfessor John Frank
Dr Anurag YadavClinical Teaching Fellow, Honorary Clinical Senior LecturerDr Anurag Yadav
Nicola McKayProgramme Administrator 
Johana Russotto RamirezSenior Admissions Officer (HCP-Med focus) 


Get in touch

If you would like any further information about the programme, please email