Edinburgh Patient Partnership

The Edinburgh Patient Partnership Supporting Assessment and Teaching (EPPSAT) service sources patients to contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate clinical examinations and teaching.

Established in 2006, the joint venture currently accommodates in the region of 350 patient volunteers. It is supported by the University of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.

The EPPSAT service is delivered by full time coordinator, a senior nurse who recruits patients and ensures their wellbeing is supported when they assist in examinations and teaching.



The University of Edinburgh Medical School involves EPPSAT patients in year 4 and year 6 end of year examinations.

The involvement of EPPSAT patients in undergraduate teaching is also increasing partly as a result of hospital in-patients often being acutely unwell. Regular scheduled patient sessions include cardiology, rheumatology and psychiatry modules of year 4.

The Royal College of Surgeons run examinations with patient involvement throughout the year. These examinations are undertaken by qualified doctors, who wish to specialise and become Members of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS).

The Royal College of Physicians host regular assessments and courses for doctors in training at the Clinical Skills Assessment Centre within the grounds of the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh. EPPSAT patients are always involved in these membership events.


Related links

EPPSAT promotional video (You Tube link)

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh




Tel: 0131 242 6535 / 9414

Email: loth.eppsat@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk  

Interested in becoming a patient partner with EPPSAT?

The EPPSAT service is continually looking for new patients to join. Referrals from clinicians are the most reliable way of enrolling new patients.