Centre for Inflammation Research seminar series: April - June 2013

Centre for Inflammation Research seminar series 2013, held in the Wellcome Auditorium, QMRI, Little France at 12 noon.

Friday 12th April 2013

Title: Age-associated inflammation predisposes the elderly to infectiousdisease

Speaker: Dr Dawn Bowdish, MG DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research, McMaster University, Canada

Friday 26th April 2013

Title: Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase: an anti-inflammatory role for a pro-inflammatory enzyme

Speaker: Dr Robert Snelgrove, Leukocyte Biology Section, National Heart and Lung Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London

Friday 10th May 2013

Title: When Macrophages Collide: Contact Inhibition as a Migratory Cue

Speaker: Dr Brian Stramer, Group leader, Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics, Lecturer, Department of Anatomy and Human Sciences, King’s College London

Friday 24th May 2013

Title: The brain in flames! Microglial mechanisms of inflammatory neurodegeneration

Speaker: Dr Guy Brown, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge

Friday 31st May 2013

Title: Context specific differentiation of macrophages and dendritic cells in healthy and inflamed intestine

Speaker: Professor Allan Mowat, Professor of Mucosal Immunology and Hon Consultant, Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, University of Glasgow

Friday 14th June 2013 - Cancelled

Title: tbc

Speaker: Dr Pierre Bruhns, Head, Antibody in Therapy & Pathology Laboratory, Head, INSERM Unit 760, Immunology Department, Institut Pasteur

This event has been cancelled.

Friday 21st June 2013

Title: Autophagy in hematopoietic cells

Speaker: Dr Katja Simon, University Research Lecturer, MRC Human Immunology Unit, Weatherall Insitute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford

Tuesday 25th June 2013

Title: Mononuclear phagocytes in acute kidney injury

Speaker: Professor Hans Joachim Anders, Institute of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Munich

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