Read about our aims, purpose and terms of reference The CMVM Research Staff Committee (RSC) brings together College and University academic and professional staff involved with the support and training of early career researchers (ECR) with representatives of the ECR community, to discuss and develop issues relating to researcher experience and support. The role of the committee is to develop and co-ordinate support for ECRs and to disseminate information relating to ECR experience for the College. Aims of the Committee To maintain, assure and improve (1) Quality of ECR support and provision across the College, both for the role in CMVM and in preparation for the next career stage, in line with the University commitment to the Concordat for the Career Development of Researchers. (2) Equality of ECR experience and opportunity across the College. (3) Support for staff involved in ECR training across the College. Purpose of the Committee To bring together College and University academic and professional staff involved with the support and training of early career research (ECR) staff together with representatives of the ECR community. Meetings are focused on discussing useful initiatives and improving issues relating to researcher experience and support. The role of the committee is to develop and co-ordinate support for ECRs and to disseminate information relating to ECR experience (including Training & Development, Careers in and beyond Academia, Funding, Translational & Entrepreneurship Opportunities, Health and Wellbeing, Research Culture, Citizenship, Teaching Opportunities and Accreditation, Mentoring, Equality, Diversity and Integration, Open Science, Widening Participation, Public Engagement) for the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Terms of Reference Document CMVM Research Staff Committee_terms of reference (26.79 KB / DOCX) This article was published on 2024-09-09