News 2012

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Scientists have gained fresh insights into how the salmonella bug makes us ill.

Anti-depressants may help stroke patients recover, according to a new study.

Scientists have discovered for the first time how humans - and other mammals - have evolved to have intelligence.

Professor Jeffrey Pollard will formally take up appointment as Director of the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health with effect from 17th December 2012.

Scientists have taken a step forward in helping to solve one of life’s greatest mysteries - what makes us human?

Members of the public can gain an insight into Edinburgh’s illustrious history with a visit to the University’s Anatomical Museum.

People who exercise later in life may better protect their brain from age-related changes than those who do not, a study suggests.

Scientists have proved a 60-year-old theory about how nerve signals are sent around the body at varying speeds as electrical impulses.

The University’s MRC Human Genetics Unit and the MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine (IGMM) were recently awarded almost £60 million to help scientists gain fresh insights into illnesses and inherited disorders.

An experimental drug can improve sociability in patients with fragile X syndrome and may be helpful as a treatment for autism, according to a study.

People with degenerative neurological conditions could benefit from research that shows why their brain cells stop communicating properly.

Research into neurodegenerative diseases could be helped by a project that shows for the first time where thousands of genes are located in the human brain.

Almost £60 million of awards from the Medical Research Council (MRC) will help scientists gain fresh insights into illnesses and inherited disorders.

Insight into how our bodies make cholesterol could lead to treatments with fewer side-effects than existing drugs.

Health risks posed to people who work with tiny fibres used in manufacturing industries could be reduced, thanks to new research.

Research in the growing field of genomics will be boosted by an initiative that brings together scientific expertise from China and Edinburgh.

Scientists have discovered a new gene in the influenza virus that helps the virus control the body’s response to infection.

Elderly patients having gallbladder surgery may be more at risk depending on where they are treated.

The University is hosting a lecture to help senior school pupils know more about what a medical career involves.

Two medical researchers based at the University have been recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.

Research into conditions from multiple sclerosis to heart disease will benefit from cutting-edge stem cell research facilities.

Researchers find that stroke survivors are more able to look after themselves following treatment with rt-PA.

Hospitals in large cities act as breeding grounds for the superbug MRSA prior to it spreading to smaller hospitals.

Babies born when labour is induced around their due date may have better survival rates than those whose birth is not induced.

Low levels of testosterone in men could increase their risk of developing diabetes.

A new imaging method could help improve how doctors predict a patient’s risk of having a heart attack.

Vets are working to find the cause of a neurological condition that has been affecting Scottish cats during the last decade.

Scientists are using MRI scans to see if they can determine when best to deliver babies that are not growing as fast as they should in the womb.

A simple test to identify MRSA in wounds could identify the superbug quickly and help prevent infection from spreading.

A breakthrough using cutting-edge stem cell research could speed up the discovery of new treatments for motor neurone disease (MND).

Edinburgh researchers are to take part in a groundbreaking gene therapy trial for cystic fibrosis (CF).

The College is recruiting to seven new postgraduate programmes for 2012-13, expanding its already extensive portfolio of taught Masters, Diplomas and Certificates to 39 programmes.

University scientists have shed light on how the liver repairs itself with research that could help develop drugs to treat liver disease.

Members of the public can gain an insight into Edinburgh’s illustrious history with a visit to the University’s Anatomical Museum.

The quest for treatments for motor neurone disease, spinal cord injury and strokes could be helped by new research that shows how key cells are produced.

A revolutionary material that is used in computer technology could pose health risks to those involved in its manufacture.

A public lecture is being held at the University to mark the centenary of the death of Joseph Lister, who is famed for pioneering the use of antiseptics.

A facial cast of mass murderer William Burke taken shortly before his execution is to form part of an exhibition of medical artefacts.