Policies, guidelines, frameworks and statements

Find out more about various University policies, guidelines and statements relating to organisational and research culture.

University of Edinburgh Strategy 2030

The University's vision for Strategy 2030 is to "make the world a better place" and to "address tomorrow's greatest challenges".  Strategy 2030 proposes that we achieve this through a value-led approach focusing on four key areas:

  • People 
  • Research
  • Teaching and learning
  • Social and civic responsibility

The principles of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are at the heart of our institution’s values and strategic priorities and the University is committed to embedding these principles in all that we do to meet contemporary challenges that align with our values.

The University of Edinburgh Strategy 2030

Behaviours Charter

The Behaviours Charter provides examples of the types of behaviours that reflect the University values and is designed to help staff and students to embed a values-led approach, as expressed in Strategy 2030.

The Charter provides a useful framework for conversations about not only what we do in our jobs, but also how we do them.

The Behaviours Charter

Guidance on citizenship

All employees at the University are expected to uphold our values and be aware of and contribute to the University’s Strategy 2030. Being a ‘good citizen’ can mean many things, but includes being generous with your help and support of others, students, and internal and external colleagues. Citizenship is likely to involve small and large contributions, such as an ongoing demonstration of community-spirited behaviours. Consistency and commitment to good citizenship is key.

Guidance on Citizenship (PDF)

Bullying and harassment

If you think you are being bullied or harassed, you may be able to sort out matters informally. This is usually the most effective way to resolve concerns quickly, and to restore good working relationships. 

Guidance for staff on raising concerns about bullying or harassment.

If your concerns are not - or cannot be - resolved by informal means, you may wish to submit a formal complaint as set out in the Dignity and Respect Policy.

Dignity and Respect policy

The Dignity and Respect Policy sets out framework for raising, addressing and resolving concerns about individual and/or organisational behaviour. It reasserts the University's strong commitment to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion and to promoting a culture that celebrates difference and challenges prejudice.

Dignity and Respect policy

Grievance policy

The Grievance Policy explains what to do if you observe or are being impacted by inappropriate behaviours and how to resolve issues both informally and formally.

Grievance Policy  (PDF)

University statement on responsible use of research metrics

This statement on responsible use of research metrics gives a set of principles on the use of quantitative data/metrics on research activity which applies to all research evaluation and assessment undertaken by the University. These principles extend the aspirations of the San Francisco Declaration on research Assessment, and align with the positions set out in the Metrics Tide and the Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics.

There is an expectation that in all research assessment activities at the University a transparent set of both qualitative and quantitative information is used to support and inform expert human academic judgement.

University of Edinburgh Statement on Responsible Use of Research Metrics  (PDF)

Code of Practice for management and career development of research staff

This Code of Practice provides guidance on how the researcher’s employment with the University, the progress of their research, and their professional and career development should be managed.  It aims to identify the specific responsibilities in the management process that fall to the researcher, their manager and the institution and encourages regular discussion at various stages of the process.

Code of Practice Management and Career Development of Research Staff

Research Careers Tool

The Research Careers Tool is designed to help researchers, in conversation with their peer groups, mentors and line mangers, to be more strategic and selective in what they take on. It can be used for peer group discussions, mentoring sessions and annual review.

Research Careers Tool

Code of Student Conduct

The University expects all students to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner in their day-to-day activities, including in their dealings with other students, staff and external organisations. The Code of Student Conduct sets out expectations for student behaviour and the procedures the University uses to resolve matters when students' behaviour is unacceptable.

Code of Student Conduct

University statement on freedom of expression

This Statement on Freedom of Expression provides the principles that inform and guide the University’s approach to the promotion and protection of freedom of expression and academic freedom.

Statement on Freedom of Expression