Local Group Co-Leads: Valentina Riggio (Research Chair), Katia Marioni-Henry (Clinical Chair) and Sílvia Pérez-Espona (Teaching Chair) Contact details Local Group Co-Leads: Valentina Riggio (valentina.riggio@roslin.ed.ac.uk), Katia Marioni-Henry (katia.marioni-henry@ed.ac.uk) and Sílvia Pérez-Espona (silvia.perez-espona@ed.ac.uk) Members The Easter Bush Campus Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EB-EDI) local group has nearly 40 members representing different sectors of the campus and ensuring EB-EDI contacts from each institution on campus. Contact details of EB-EDI members for each building can be found on posters situated in main locations and on electronic notice boards. New EB-EDI members are always welcome. We meet approximately four times per year. Committee tenure is usually for three years. Additional meetings take place within and between the members of the subcommittees listed below in order to organise and coordinate EDI activities. To find out more, or to enquire about joining the committee, please email the EB-EDI at easterbush.edi@ed.ac.uk. Remit The Easter Bush Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee is responsible for identifying issues, making recommendations and taking forward actions to foster a positive and inclusive culture within the campus that: Eliminates discrimination Advances equality of opportunity for all Fosters good relations, tackles prejudice and promotes understanding between people from different groups/backgrounds The Committee is composed of the following local members: Co-Chairs (Teaching, Research and Clinical chairs) Human Resources representative Representatives of employee safety (trade unions) Staff representatives Post-doctoral and PhD representatives Committee Secretary Undergraduate students’ representatives Postgraduate taught students’ representatives To coordinate activities, EB-EDI includes seven sub-committees: Disabilities, including hidden disabilities LGBTQAI+ Mental health and well-being Race and equality Webpages and communications Women in science Socioeconomic diversity and inclusion Activities To find out what the Easter Bush Campus local group is up to, or to get involved, please contact the leads via the email address above. EB-EDI members have access to our Teams channels to facilitate interaction with the different subgroups and participation in activities. Easter Bush Equality and Diversity on Twitter This article was published on 2024-09-09