Explore the institutes, centres and networks in which our research takes place. The College's research is broadly organised into six major research institutes, which further consist of smaller, interrelated research units. You can read about each institute by following the links below. Queen's Medical Research Institute (QMRI) Based on the Edinburgh BioQuarter campus, QMRI houses the Centres for Cardiovascular Science and Reproductive Health, emphasising clinical-translational science, with two-way iteration from bench-to-bedside. QMRI website Institute of Genetics and Cancer (IGC; formerly the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine) Based on the Western General Hospital campus, IGC comprises a strategic partnership of the MRC Human Genetics Unit, the Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre, and the Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine. IGC aims to carry out excellent genetic, genomic, cellular and clinical science, so that we contribute significantly to the understanding of human development, physiology and disease, and apply this knowledge for the benefit of patients and society. IGC website Roslin Institute The Roslin Institute's mission is to gain fundamental understanding of genetic, cellular, organ and systems bioscience underpinning common mechanisms of animal development and pathology, and to use this knowledge to prevent and treat important veterinary diseases and develop sustainable farm animal production systems. Roslin Institute is based at Easter Bush campus, which also houses separate clusters of research excellence in the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Sciences and the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Science. Roslin Institute website Research at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Science Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Science website Usher Institute Based in both Teviot Place and the Edinburgh BioQuarter campus, the Usher Insitute is a key applied and translational arm of the College, offering significant expertise in health services research, health informatics, data science and social science Usher Institute website Edinburgh Neuroscience Edinburgh Neuroscience is a vibrant, interdisciplinary, cross-College community who work together with a shared vision to discover new knowledge of the workings of the brain and mind across the life-course, in health and disease and to translate this into individual and societal health and wealth gains. Edinburgh Neuroscience website Institute for Regeneration and Repair (IRR) IRR seeks to understand stem cell biology, inflammation and disease to develop new therapies to heal damaged tissues. IRR website This article was published on 2024-09-09