Research Impact

Explore how your research could make a difference in society, and find resources to generate, support and maximise impact.

What's on this page?

The CMVM Research Office, in consultation with a range of researchers and professional services colleagues, developed a Research Impact Strategy to bring together and guide impact activities across the College. On this page, you will be able to explore the resources and training available to support and maximise your impact activities.



If you require the strategy document in a different format, please contact us at:

What do we mean by research impact?

At the College, we define research impact as the difference that research makes to society by, for example:

  • Enhancing health and quality of life of people and animals;
  • Protecting or improving the environment;
  • Informing local, national or international policy or guidelines to improve processes and outcomes;
  • Improving the effectiveness of public policy and services; and
  • Creating prosperity, reducing costs, saving resources or preventing harm.

How is research impact achieved? 

Researchers build partnerships and make connections with stakeholders to inform and apply their research, such as industry partners, clinicians, patients, policymakers, charities or the general population. These connections are essential when it comes to making a difference to society through research.

Thus, activities such as innovation, commercialisation, patient-public involvement, public and policy engagement, knowledge exchange and media communications work are all routes that can amplify the impact of your research; impact, in turn, is the actual change these activities create.

Explore the headings below to access specific training and resources available for achieving different kinds of impact, as well as best practices for sharing your research outputs with partners and stakeholders.

Explore some impact case studies from across the College and University

Edinburgh Impact is the home for stories about how the University community is making its mark upon the world through its research, innovation, ideas and actions.

Edinburgh Impact

Edinburgh Innovations is the University of Edinburgh’s commercialisation service. Here is a list of EI supported projects that are making a positive contribution to society and the economy.

Edinburgh Innovations case studies

REF is the UK's national assessment of research excellence in higher education institutions. You can look at the impact case studies submitted by Higher Education institutions in different subject areas to REF2021.

REF2021 Impact case study database

Useful links to resources and training opportunities that support planning and costing impact and engagement activities

Information and application forms for funding opportunities for impact and engagement activities

Find resources to help you plan engagement with members of public in order to enhance the benefit your research.

Learn how to work together in more equal partnerships and share responsibility and power throughout your research project.

Find resources to help you engage with policymakers and write a policy brief.

Explore resources to help College researchers make an evidence-based difference to clinical best practice. Within this section you will also find resources on involving patients and practioners in your research.

Learn how to engage with commercial partners for impact and where to access support for your translational activities.

Learn how you can share your research outputs to achieve impact.

Learn how to capture and evaluate the impact of your engagement activities and research outputs.

Useful links to other resources related to impact.

Contact us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, or would like advice on developing impact from your research, please contact us at: