News 2013

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Men with mental disorders are more at risk of developing coronary heart disease, according to a study.

A surgeon from Malawi has become the first doctor from his country to graduate from an online surgical training programme.

The University’s Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre is one of 15 institutes to benefit from a £100 million UK-wide cash injection.

The College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine is one of the oldest centres of its kind in the United Kingdom, yet one of the most dynamic and progressive.

Patients with a condition that causes blood vessels in the brain to form an abnormal tangle could be helped by new research.

Patients with damaged organs could be helped by new treatments after scientists have discovered how tissues scar.

Edinburgh scientists have helped show that an 'Asian' elephant foetus used to name the species is actually African.

The University has honoured three members of staff for their contribution to teaching and research including Professor Helen Cameron.

The Royal Medical Society is inviting applications from medical students and doctors to sit on their Editorial Board, Student Reviewer Team or Expert Reviewer Team for 2013-14.

On Wednesday 23rd October 2013, nine Polish medical universities and two research Institutes signed Memoranda of Understanding with the University’s College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, further developing academic links in the field of postgraduate study and collaborative research.

A full colour, animated 3D hologram of the human body is to go on public display for the first time.

College finalist represents University at international competition.

The Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic has been opened by University Chancellor, HRH The Princess Royal.

Professor Emeritus Sir Ian Wilmut says a global stem cell standard could pave the way for universal therapy.

More children than ever before are living with a debilitating digestive disease, research has shown.

A £10 million building project is set to further enhance the University’s world leading stem cell research.

Women with ectopic pregnancies could be spared surgery if they are treated with a lung cancer drug, a study suggests.

A national centre for poultry health and welfare has been officially opened today by the Minister for Universities and Science David Willetts.

Diabetic patients could benefit from a breakthrough that enables scientists to take cells from the pancreas and change their function to produce insulin.

A type of MRSA found in humans originated in cattle at least 40 years ago, new research has found.

Christopher West, winner of the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine 3 Minute Thesis final back in May, took first prize at the University of Edinburgh Final on Wednesday 24 July with his presentation “Blood, sweat and ears”.

Multiple sclerosis treatments that repair damage to the brain could be developed thanks to new research.

Research into multiple sclerosis and motor neurone disease is to be boosted with an international collaboration to further understanding of these illnesses.

Scientists are soon to begin trials to test whether existing drugs for a range of conditions could be used to treat multiple sclerosis.

Air pollution can increase death rates and hospital admissions among people living with heart failure, a study has shown.

One of the University’s hidden gems, the Anatomy Museum houses some 5,500 items, with around 300 on public display.

Patients given a clot-busting drug after a stroke are more likely to have a long-lasting recovery, research shows.

Drug development for a range of conditions could be improved with stem cell technology that helps doctors predict the safety and the effectiveness of potential treatments.

Sixteen PhD students from the College put their presenting skills to the test on 30th May in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine’s first 3 Minute Thesis competition.

Health problems linked to obesity, like heart disease and diabetes, could skip an entire generation, a study suggests.

Stroke patients at risk of blood clots and death could be helped by a compression device that wraps around the legs.

A discovery made in fish could aid research into motor neuron disease.

People living with inflammatory bowel disease will take part in two global studies that may improve treatment.

Mothers and babies could benefit from improvements in tracking how medical interventions reach developing nations.

Exposing skin to sunlight may help to reduce blood pressure, cut the risk of heart attack and stroke, a study suggests.

We are excited to announce that the University is running a 3 Minute Thesis competition, and we need current PhD students to take part! Think you’ve got what it takes to sum up your thesis in just 3 minutes, with just 1 slide?

Scientists have made a fundamental discovery about how the properties of embryonic stem cells are controlled.

Young children who eat the same meals as their parents are far more likely to have healthier diets than those who eat different foods, according to research.

Patient satisfaction with surgery depends on a wide range of factors, researchers say.

Childhood deaths from diarrhoea and pneumonia could be eliminated in just over a decade, researchers say.

A fast mutating virus that affects pig herds and costs pork producers millions of pounds each year is being targeted by scientists.

The role that vets in China can play in safeguarding animal welfare will be strengthened by an agreement enhancing the country’s veterinary training.

Scientists may be a step closer towards the development of a vaccine against a virus that is killing scores of Asian elephants, many of them in captivity.

Research to find therapies for chronic and untreatable conditions will be boosted with a multi-million pound funding announcement.

Vet students will be better prepared to tackle a common condition in horses by practising on the first life-size equine model of its kind in the UK.

The welfare of poultry could be improved by a discovery about how chickens regulate their appetites.

People at risk of depression could benefit from earlier medical care, a brain study suggests.

People at greater genetic risk of schizophrenia could see a fall in IQ as they age, study shows.

Children with epilepsy will benefit from a new research centre at the University aimed at early diagnosis and treatment.

An international partnership is to carry out research into brain disorders such as autism and dementia.

A discovery using stem cells from a patient with motor neurone disease could help research into treatments for the condition.

University researchers are calling for improved emotional care for patients approaching the end of their life.

A natural trigger that enables stem cells to become any cell-type in the body has been discovered by scientists.

It's true what women say - they are better at reading others than men.

A University study has revealed the impact of chest infections on the world’s children.

University scientists are to take part in a 10-year project to better understand the human brain.

A discovery about the way in which bugs spread throughout the body could help to develop stem cell treatments.

Liver damage could be repaired by the same cells that harm the organ in the first place, a study suggests.

Scientists have shed light on how mechanisms in the brain work to give us a sense of location.

Men whose low testosterone levels leave them more vulnerable to heart disease could be helped by treatments based on a hormone named after a chocolate.

University scientists have found a new way to manufacture stem cells for research into treating diseases.