Our world-leading alumni continue the University's legacy of excellence in medicine and veterinary medicine. Alumni profile: Thomas KC King The New York-based former Professor of Clinical Medicine graduated from Edinburgh Medical School in 1959. Empowering youth through coral conservation Nikita Shiel-Rolle is based on the remote Cat Island in The Bahamas. An Edinburgh graduate and marine biologist, her life is driven by her passion for the the ocean, exploration and education. Alumni profile: Professor Elspeth Milne Professor Elspeth Milne first graduated from the Dick Vet in 1979, almost forty years later she is delivering her inaugural lecture back at Easter Bush. Island life for dental couple Amy and Scott Tulloch met while studying at the Edinburgh Dental Institute. They now provide dental care for the majority of the population in Orkney, being committed to patient care in rural communities. Hearts and minds Scott Semple’s career to date has been the very definition of interdisciplinary working in practice. Shetland son Dr George Gunn received the Animal Pharm Lifetime Achievement Award at the end of January 2017. He spoke to us about a distinguished career in veterinary medicine. Lorna Williamson: Medical School memories Dr Lorna Williamson received an OBE in the New Year’s Honours list for her work for her work on the advancement of blood, stem cell and tissue donation for transplantation. She tells us about her formative years at the University of Edinburgh and how they set her on the road towards a career in transfusion medicine. All aboard for Scotland Over the past decade three siblings have visited Edinburgh Medical School from the USA to tread the halls and see the labs and lecture theatres where their father undertook his medical training in the 1930s. The science behind animal welfare One of the world’s leading animal welfare scientists and University of Edinburgh alumnus, Professor David Mellor, has been awarded the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare medal. Under the skin Surgeons and artists team up to engage medical students and the wider community in anatomy teaching. Globetrotter 1960s Dick Vet graduate Roger Stanley Windsor on student life and a career that has seen him establish veterinary laboratories across four continents. Nazareth Calling Alumna Dr Runa Mackay explains how providing short term cover for a friend led to a long and fulfilling professional career in the Middle East. The best of three Graduating on 3 different occasions over the course of 4 decades, Dr Neil MacGillivray left McEwan Hall with a MBChB in 1964, an MSc in Scottish History in 1999 and a PhD in Scottish History in 2004. Medicine Then and Now Inspired by the memories of a 90 year old medical graduate, we compared his experiences with those of two current students. 50 Years on A group of former Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary students reunited 50 years since graduating and first embarking on their veterinary careers. From Teviot Place to Texas and Tasmania Fifty years on since they scribbled witty comments in the traditional yearbook, the MBChB class of 1965 reunited in Edinburgh this summer. This article was published on 2024-09-09