Central Area

Health and Safety information for MVM in the Central Area, including Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences, Biomedical Teaching Organisation, Usher Institute and the Edinburgh Dental Institute.

H&S statement

H&S in the central area offers support, advice, and assistance to ensure the health and safety and wellbeing of all staff, students, and visitors, while at work. We work closely with Principal Investigators, senior managers, line managers and all other staff and students to promote a positive Health and Safety culture. 

For more information on H&S policies, guidance, visit the H&S Department webpage.

For local policies and guidance, visit your local H&S webpage or contact the Central Area Safety Contact Jim Cameron. 

H&S organization in the Central Area 

MVM central area encompasses different schools and disciplines, and H&S is organised locally to guarantee tailormade policies, SOP and objectives to best suit local practices and interests. Visit your local H&S pages to find out more about H&S nearest to you. 

Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences H&S (central area only)

Usher Institute H&S (SharePoint)

Edinburgh Dental Institute H&S  

H&S training

Training requirements for Biomedical Sciences staff and students (Central area)- including CDBS and where to find it.

Central area training

H&S committee central area 

Information about the Central & BMS Health & Safety Committee, including remit, members, and minutes from each meeting.

Central & BMS Health & Safety Committee


Central Area Safety Contact 

Dr Efe Scott-Emuakpor (she/her) 

Health & Safety Manager

CMVM Biomedical Sciences 

Email: efe.scott@ed.ac.uk

Tel: 0131 651 7112

Mob: 07780517942