The College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine promotes the mainstreaming of equality and diversity issues and awareness within the College. Image It will do this by bringing together staff and students from different areas of the College, with interest and expertise in the area, to identify, discuss, advise on and take forward all aspects of policy and its implementation. The Committee will stimulate and build good practice and innovation in equality, diversity and inclusion, and will champion Equality Impact Assessment. The Committee will develop an evidence-based three year action plan, and will oversee its implementation. The Committee will provide assistance and advice and make recommendations to the College Strategy Group (CSG) to ensure that the College develops best practice in equality and diversity. The Committee will also report to the University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, through the nominated representatives. The Committee will meet as required to fulfil its remit, expected to be at least 3 times a year. The Committee may conduct some business through correspondence. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee structure Membership of the College Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee The membership of the College Equality and Diversity Committee will include: - Co-Chairs (selected from the membership of the committee, and representing Medicine and Veterinary Medicine) - all Local Group Leads - a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) representative - a LGBTQI+ representative - a representative of the postdoctoral staff - an undergraduate student representative nominated by Edinburgh University Student Association (EUSA) - a postgraduate student representative nominated by EUSA - the Head of HR - a member of the HR team Co-opted members to include the College Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Team convenors and other members as required. HR will be responsible for taking and circulating an action note from each meeting. Individual members may serve more than one of the above roles (e.g. a local group lead may be a postdoctoral researcher or a member of technical staff). Action plan The mission of the CMVM Equality and Diversity action plan is to embed an ethos of respect and dignity across the College, where all staff and students feel included and valued, irrespective of background, and are able to perform to the best of their ability. Minutes of previous meetings The minutes of the previous meetings of the CMVM Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee can be viewed here Local equality and diversity groups The aim of the local groups is: - to promote the mainstreaming of equality and diversity issues and awareness within their local geographical area - to identify equality and diversity-related issues and put forward policy initiatives for consideration by the College Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee The local groups will aid in the dissemination of information from the College Committee within their local area. Each local group Lead is a member of the CMVM committee and will serve as Lead for a period of 3 years. Local groups will meet as required, expected to be at least twice each year, two to four weeks in advance of the College Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee meetings. Local groups are expected to regularly share information and conduct some business through correspondence. The role of the local group members is: - to act as local ambassadors for equality, diversity and inclusion within their geographical area - to cascade news of changes to policy and procedures, best practice and developments in equality, diversity and inclusion to managers, staff and students within their local area - act as the first point of contact and source of local advice on equality, diversity and inclusion issues and legislation Local equality and diversity groups For more details and information on how to get involved, see the individual local group pages: BioQuarter Campus Local Group Central Area Local Group Easter Bush Campus Local Group Western General Campus Local Group This article was published on 2024-09-09