2017 Events

Archived events from 2017

Professor Milne, clinical pathologist at the Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies, discusses her work and her vision of taking diagnostic investigation at Easter Bush to the next level.

Catherina Becker will show what happens in the brains and spinal cords of zebrafish that allows them to repair even fully paralysing injuries.

Professor Mark Stevens will describe his research to identify bacterial and host factors that contribute to the ability of foodborne pathogens to persist in farm animals and cause disease, and how this can inform the design of control strategies.

View the full programme of the 2017/18 Public lecture series.

Join us to hear about new research in our University that is increasing our understanding of diseases and providing new advances in treatment.

The College has a strong representation at this year’s Science Festival. Here’s your quick guide to who, what, where and when.

Join scientists from the University of Edinburgh to explore the human body through fun, family-friendly hands-on activities.

Professor Opriessnig discusses the background and evolution of the most used vaccine in global pig production.

Professor Reynolds will discuss the evidence that 'hormones matter' in health and disease across the life course with particular emphasis on the vital role of stress hormones in pregnancy.

Professor Andrew Farrall will explore the challenges and benefits of educating and training a diverse and interdisciplinary population of researchers who are using imaging to push forward the frontiers of their disciplines.