News 2017-2019

News 2017-2019

Stories from the College from 2017-2019.





Phoebe Kirkwood of the MRC Centre for Inflammation Research has won the University of Edinburgh's 'Three Minute Thesis' competition, sending her on to the UK Final.

The new Wellcome Trust-backed Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society held an official launch event on Monday 25 June.

In 2018 the Edinburgh Clinical Academic Track programme celebrates its tenth year of existence. We speak to ECAT fellows past and present to find out about their experience of the programme.

Research into human genetics has received a £53 million boost from the Medical Research Council (MRC).

Edinburgh Medical School has been praised in the General Medical Council’s national review of medical education and training in Scotland.

Improved care for patients undergoing cancer surgery is the focus of a pioneering worldwide study.

Treatments for incurable bowel conditions may be a step closer following the discovery of a key molecule associated with disease flare-ups.

Impact of a flagship NHS programme aimed at improving the use of digital technology in hospitals is to be assessed.

Scientists discover nearly 80 genes that could be linked to depression.

Taking painkillers during pregnancy could affect the fertility of the unborn child in later life, research suggests.

Improved care for street dogs is the goal of a new smartphone app devised by an international team of animal welfare experts.

Scientists at Edinburgh are to receive £2.4 million to find new ways to tackle brain tumours.

Novel research aimed at better understanding mental health conditions such as depression is to receive a £2.2 million investment.

A new study suggests patients with cancer could benefit from a simple bedside system to manage their pain.

Fresh insights into the biological causes of stroke could pave the way for new therapies, following a major study.

Doctors caring for severe stroke patients need to take account of their psychological needs and help prepare families for the possibility that they may not recover, a study suggests.

People from most ethnic groups who were born abroad but live in Scotland have lower death rates than those born here, a study has found.

A study of schools in Malawi suggests that education could play a more prominent role in the fight against the disease.

Meat and milk production from cattle could one day be boosted, thanks to DNA analysis of the microbes in cows’ stomachs.

Scientists have pinpointed a hormone that could help prepare the womb lining for pregnancy, research shows.

Fresh insights into changes in the brain linked to depression could pave the way for new therapies.

People having surgery in low income countries are more likely to develop an infection than those in wealthier nations, which may be linked to drug-resistant bacteria, research suggests.

Previous successful projects from across the College have ranged from high altitude research in Bolivia to a virtual slaughterhouse simulator for vet e-learning.

Fluctuations in female sex hormones could play a role in the development of allergies and asthma, a major review of evidence suggests.

A major fund has been established to support pioneering research into mental health and early death in people with epilepsy.

Experts at the University of Edinburgh are to lead the Scottish element of a UK-wide initiative to address healthcare challenges by harnessing the power of data science.

A medical imaging technology under development has enabled doctors to see bacteria deep inside patients’ lungs for the first time.

A University healthcare initiative has been honoured at the China-Scotland Business Awards.

Bill Gates and Government Minister Penny Mordaunt visited the Easter Bush campus to showcase how communities worldwide are being helped by agricultural research.

New approach could revolutionise the way doctors manage strokes caused by bleeding in the brain.

Scientists have uncovered a cause of heavy menstrual bleeding that offers hope for women living with the condition.

Colleagues from across the College were included in the New Year Honours List when it was announced at the end of 2017.

Vet students are spreading Christmas cheer this winter by distributing rucksacks filled with essential items to homeless people and their pets.

Roslin Institute scientists use genome editing technology to prevent disease in salmon aquaculture.

A simple blood test could help identify people at risk of a heart attack, a study has found.

Scottish scientists have joined a Europe-wide bid to secure the future supply of Cyprus’ finest food export – halloumi cheese.

Chimpanzee brains may be more different from those of humans than was previously thought, according to new research that sheds light on our evolution.

Prolonged convulsive seizures in childhood could be linked to the development of other brain conditions, a study suggests.

The University of Edinburgh has received a prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prize for its work to improve women’s health.

Dr Abdullah Aly Alkalaly became our very first Doctor of Dentistry at the 2018 winter graduations.

Law graduate and philanthropist, Donald MacDonald and doctor and activist, Denis Mukwege were among honorary graduates at the winter ceremony.

Smokers may be predisposed to their habit because of the molecular make-up of their brain, research suggests.

Insights into how a key chemical disrupts brain cells in a common type of dementia have been revealed by scientists.

Scientists have developed a new system to study Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the laboratory, paving the way for research to find treatments for the fatal brain disorder.

Professor Devi Sridhar has been recognised for the exceptional contribution she has made in the field of global health governance.

Aboriginal people who lived on the Canary Islands before European colonisation originated from North Africa, a DNA study has found.

Eilidh Gibson was part of Team GB C1 team who took home gold in the World Championships.

Construction of new Centre of Tissue Repair has begun on the Edinburgh BioQuarter Campus.

​​​​​​​Information shared on social media is being regularly used in research projects without users’ consent, a study suggests.

A roadmap to combat Zoonotic Tuberculosis has been launched at the Union World Conference on Lung Health in Mexico.