Staff and students

General information for staff and students at the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

These pages contain general information for students and staff working across the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. 

For more detailed information specific to Edinburgh Medical School or the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, visit their websites at the links below. 

Sharepoint sites for staff

Many internal functions and processes within the College have their own Sharepoint sites, which are normally only available to University staff. Most of the sites relevant to the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine are listed on our CMVM Sharepoint hub. 

CMVM Sharepoint hub (restricted access)


A moody spotlight, with the words "Staff Recognition Awards" overset

Our annual awards celebrate our brilliant community of staff working across the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

Travel to your College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine campus.

The College is committed to equality of opportunity for all staff and students, actively promoting a culture of inclusivity.

Information for early career researchers (ECRs) in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

Support and activities for staff and students in the College who are new to Edinburgh.

How to stay fit and active on campus, as well as resources and services to support your wellbeing.

Health and safety information and support on our campuses.

Human Resources at the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine provide support and advice to staff.

Details of scholarships available to staff and visiting students.