Information about who to get in touch with in the College for information about research culture. Deputy Deans for Research Culture and Integrity Professor Julia Dorin, Centre for Inflammation Research, and Dr Thamarai Dorai-Schneiders, Infection Medicine, are jointly appointed Deputy Deans for Research Culture & Integrity. They provide leadership for a research culture that values ethics and integrity and delivers on equality and diversity. If you have any questions or concerns about research culture within the College, feel free to contact them for a confidential conversation. Email Deputy Deans for Research Culture Professor Julia Dorin CMVM Deputy Dean for Research Culture and Integrity Contact details Website: Julia's profile Email: Dr Thamarai Dorai-Schneiders CMVM Deputy Dean for Research Culture and Integrity Contact details Website: Thamarai's profile Email: Research Staff Champions College Research Staff Champions work locally at the Centre/Institute level ensuring visible and active support for research staff at an early stage of their career. They are an essential conduit to and from research staff, with an active involvement in both delivery and development of CMVM policy around research staff support. The Research Staff Champions can be approached for direction regarding: training in current role, careers and support for transition to next role or beyond academia other issues related to work Institute/Centre, including wellbeing, bullying/harassment, research integrity They will not necessarily deal with these issues directly but rather provide an informal link to support that exists elsewhere within the College/University. College Research Staff Champions Dignity and Respect Advisors A network of dignity and respect advisors is available for both staff and students to talk to - for information, advice or support (if, for example, you are being harassed or bullied, or are experiencing any other unacceptable behaviour). Dignity and Respect Advisors Other support offered by the University Counselling Services The Counselling Service offers a high standard of service to both staff and students. Counselling is a process that seeks to help you focus on and understand more clearly the issues that concern or trouble you. Counselling Services Chaplaincy Chaplaincy provides personal, emotional, communal, spiritual, faith and belief support, for all members of the University and is used as much or more by people of no religion, than by people of particular faiths. If discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief, or any other form of discrimination, has affected you, we encourage you to discuss concerns with the Chaplaincy. Chaplaincy This article was published on 2024-09-09