Archived events from 2011 Honyman Gillespie Lectures Spring 2011 A series of lectures have been arranged to take place during the SPRING TERM. The lectures will be held in Lecture Theatre B, Chancellor's Building, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh at 5pm. Translational Funding Seminar Representatives from the Medical Research Council and the NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Co-ordinating Centre will be giving a seminar on Tuesday 25th January 2011. Let's talk about...combating disease Join us to hear the latest on research into preservation of fertility, heart disease and conditions that affect circulation. Learn more about how innovative research in Edinburgh is helping find new solutions to health problems. Neuroscience Seminar Schedule 2010/11 The Centre for Neuroregeneration presents a fortnightly seminar series which is co-sponsored by the Euan MacDonald Centre for Motor Neurone Disease research and the Centre for Multiple Sclerosis research in Edinburgh. CVS progress reports - Winter/Spring 2011 The Centre for Cardiovascular Science progress report meetings are held every Thursday in the QMRI, Little France, at 12pm-1pm. Centre for Inflammation Research - Research in Progress Centre for Inflammation Research research in progress presentations are held every Friday in the The Wellcome Auditorium, QMRI, Little France at 4pm-5pm. Centre for Inflammation Research seminar series 2011 Centre for Inflammation Research seminar series 2011, held in the Wellcome Auditorium, QMRI, Little France at 12 noon. SCRM Seminar Dr Brian Rudkin, Senior Scientist from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris, will give this talk in Auditorium B, Chancellor's Building, Little France. Inaugural Lectures Speaker: Professor Jeremy Bradshaw, Personal Chair in Molecular Biophysics CID distinguished speaker series 2011 The Centre of Infectious Diseases hosts a series of distinguished speaker seminars attracting leading scientists in the field of infectious diseases to speak for an hour. DPM Seminar Series: Bench to Bedside NEW DATE ANNOUNCED: Thursday 10th March 2011 Medic One Lecture - Prof Maaret Castren Speaker: Prof Maaret Castren, Professor in Emergency Medicine at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Vice-Chair of the European Resuscitation Council. Edinburgh Global Health Academy Symposium This symposium will explore ways in which Scotland can contribute to tackling the key determinants and drivers of these diseases - obesity, alcohol and tobacco use, poor diets, physical inactivity and social deprivation. SCRM Seminar Professor Olav Solgaard and Professor Chris Contag from Stanford University, will give these talks in Seminar Room 2, Chancellor's Building, Little France. Edinburgh International Science Festival The University of Edinburgh is presenting science in an interactive way, suitable for children and adults of all age groups from 9 - 22 April 2011. Centre for Inflammation Research - Research in Progress Centre for Inflammation Research research in progress presentations are held every Friday in the The Wellcome Auditorium, QMRI, Little France at 4pm-5pm. EBRC Seminar Series - Spring 2011 Weekly seminars held at The Roslin Institute Auditorium. CVS progress reports - Spring/Summer 2011 The Centre for Cardiovascular Science progress report meetings are held every Thursday in the QMRI, Little France, at 12pm-1pm. Next Generation Stem Cells: Tools and Technologies Event hosted by The MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh and the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), Kyoto University. Scottish Society for Experimental Medicine The keynote speaker will be Professor Siddharthan Chandran, MacDonald Professor of Neurology, who will talk on "Neurodegeneration and the promise of brain repair" Society for Endocrinology Seminar On the 24th of May, the University/British Heart Foundation Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences will be hosting a Society for Endocrinology seminar from Professor Jeffrey Friedman of the Rockefeller Institute, New York. CRM Seminar Dr Francis Szele Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, St Anne's College, Oxford University, will give this talk in Seminar Room, Roger Land Building, King’s Buildings Campus. CRM Seminar Dr Hiro Fujiwara, Cancer Research UK, Cambridge, will give this talk in Seminar Room, Roger Land Building, King’s Buildings Campus. Human Forensic Pathology This talk will give an overview of the practice of forensic pathology in the UK with particular focus on the practice in Scotland. It will include details on training, daily practice, an overview of the medicolegal framework and illustrations from the author’s practice. Medical Detectives 2011 The Medical Detectives lecture series commences this year on 22 September. The lectures take place at 6 pm in the Anatomy Lecture Theatre, Teviot Place. Ovarian and Breast Cancer: New strategies to target the right treatment to the right patient Join us for a public engagement event. The speakers will be Dr Gourley and Professor David Cameron, an internationally recognised expert in breast cancer. The evening will be hosted by Assistant Principal, Professor John Smyth, Emeritus Professor of Medical Oncology. Centre for Reproductive Health - Seminar Programme The Centre for Reproductive Biology organises an annual programme of seminars by research scientists from around the world whose work complements that being done within MRC Human Reproductive Sciences Unit and University of Edinburgh Division of Reproductive and Developmental Sciences. EBRC Seminar Series - Autumn 2011 Weekly seminars held at the Roslin Institute Auditorium. Neuroscience Seminar Schedule 2011/12 CNR presents a fortnightly seminar series which is co-sponsored by the Euan MacDonald Centre for Motor Neurone Disease research and the Centre for Multiple Sclerosis research in Edinburgh. Centre for Inflammation Research - Research in Progress Centre for Inflammation Research research in progress presentations are held every Friday in the The Wellcome Auditorium, QMRI, Little France at 4pm-5pm. CVS progress reports - Autumn/Winter 2011 The Centre for Cardiovascular Science progress report meetings are held every Thursday in the QMRI, Little France, at 12pm-1pm. Centre for Cardiovascular Science Seminars - 2011-2012 Seminars hosted by the Centre for Cardiovascular Science, held at 12pm-1pm in the Wellcome Auditorium, QMRI, Little France. Let's talk about...healthy futures Join us to hear the latest on research into preservation of fertility, preventing excessive menstrual blood loss, kidney transplants and growing new kidneys from stem cells, and how to control blood pressure. Learn more about how innovative research in Edinburgh is helping find new solutions to health problems. Division of Psychiatry The lectures take place from 4-5pm (except *) in the small lecture theatre of the Kennedy Tower on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month during semester time Edinburgh Neuroscience Public Christmas Lecture 2011 This year's Edinburgh Neuroscience Public Christmas Lecture will be held on Wednesday 7th December at 6pm in the George Square Lecture Theatre, Edinburgh. This article was published on 2024-09-09