Helpful information and guidance to make the most of your annual Performance and Development Review (P&DR) Guidelines for Reviewers and Reviewees Background Our 750 or so Research Staff are vital for delivery of research in CMVM, and it is important that researchers are well supported in their current roles and supported to develop their future careers, whether they are aiming for a career in or beyond academia. All research staff in CMVM are now offered an annual Performance & Development Review (P&DR) that should be completed by the end of June each year. The P&DR provides an excellent opportunity to encourage active engagement from an early stage with opportunities that can enhance researcher experience and performance in their current role and help transition to their next role. The focus in P&DR is on having an honest two way discussion between reviewer (normally the PI for research staff, see FAQs) and reviewee. This will allow reflection on delivery of key objectives and challenges in the previous year, and planning to build on these for successful delivery of future objectives. The objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) and might include specific research goals (e.g. papers, grants), but also professional/personal development plans for the coming year. As a signatory to ‘The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers’ the University supports the recommendation of access to 10 days professional development per year pro rata to allow researchers to engage with their own development. The recommendations below are designed to support both PI and researcher in getting the most from the P&DR. In advance of the P&DR the reviewee and reviewer should familiarise themselves with the Code of Practice for Management and Development of Research Staff and in particular the section on P&DR. The University Research Staff Hub, introduced in 2021, also has a page dedicated to Annual Review with tips and toolkits to ensure that you have a good quality review conversation. The reviewee should identify 6 key objectives and develop a plan for use of their dedicated training days, these will be discussed during the review. The Research Staff Development, Training and Support Brochure can be useful to identify relevant training opportunities. The excellent IAD generated ‘Beginning your research position’ & ‘Thriving in your research position’ guides will also be helpful for reviewees. Before the P&DR meeting we would encourage the use of the ‘Thriving in your research position’ PDF guide and associated activity sheets to enhance reflection on resilience, research activity & career. Planning the P&DR The Meetings guidelines in the Code of Practice provide a structure designed to identify specific researcher training needs, and if completed the ‘Thriving in your research position’ activity sheets will help to shape discussion around development & careers. During the P&DR You will discuss the objectives and training plans and agree specific actions on the P&DR form, to ensure reflection on progress in the following year. You might also discuss the value of mentoring in the University and/or training/mentoring opportunities with relevant professional bodies (Phys Soc, Pharm Soc, Biochem Soc etc) & external organisations e.g. Academy of Medical Sciences, Royal Society of Edinburgh, SULSA. After the P&DR There will be an opportunity for reviewee and reviewer to complete an overall assessment of performance and development, and to sign the document. The documents must then be sent on to HR. The full process and FAQs relating to it are described on the CMVM HR webpages below should you need further guidance. Useful Links CMVM Research Staff Committee: New early career researchers are now subscribed to the CMVM Research Staff Mailing list when they start their research contract. If researchers are not on this list they can contact to request that they are added so that they receive regular updates on CMVM specific development and support. They can also follow us on twitter @ECRCMVM or visit our website CMVM Research Staff Website CMVM HR / P&DR info, including forms and FAQs Research Staff Hub IAD Code of Practice for Management and Development of Research Staff IAD Guide for New Researchers in Edinburgh IAD Thriving in Your Research Position IAD Research Staff brochure Edinburgh Research Office ‘Support for Researchers’ Blog This article was published on 2024-09-09