Training presentations

A range of web-delivered, self-paced, self-taught training packages relating to various aspects of safety within University buildings on the Little France campus.

These packages are all downloadable Powerpoint presentation files.

Autoclaves: Guidance for staff relating to the hazards and safe operation of autoclaves in biomedical laboratories.

Autoclaves (2.52 MB / PPT)

Biological Safety Cabinets: Guidance for lab staff regarding different types of biological safety cabinet that are available within our buildings, and measures to be adopted for their safe use.

Biological Safety Cabinets (1.85 MB / PPT)

Centrifuges: Guidance for staff relating to the hazards and safe operation of centrifuges and ultracentrifuges in biomedical laboratories.

Centrifuges (2.36 MB / PPT)

Cleaning the Lab: Guidance for lab staff regarding their duties of care for cleaning staff, and guidance for cleaners regarding safety in laboratories.

Cleaning the Laboratory (2.61 MB / PPT)

Containment Laboratories:  Guidance for lab staff regarding different types of biological containment laboratories that are available within our buildings, and measures to be adopted for safe working within these.

Containment Laboratories (5.86 MB / PPT)

Disinfection and Decontamination: Guidance for staff relating to methods commonly used to disinfect and decontaminate surfaces, materials and waste in biomedical laboratories.


Ethidium Bromide: Safety measures related to correct use and disposal of ethidium bromide.

Ethidium Bromide (1.45 MB / PPT)

Fire Safety: A brief summary of fire safety arrangements for University buildings on the Little France campus.

Fire Safety (5.46 MB / PPT)

First Aid: A brief summary of first aid arrangements for University buildings on the Little France campus, including the correct first actions to be taken upon discovering an injured person.

First Aid (3.29 MB / PPT)

Fridges and Freezers: Guidance regarding the safe use of refrigerators and freezers within laboratories (NEW)”

Fridges & Freezers (1.65 MB / PPT)

Fume Hoods: Guidance regarding the safe use of Fume Hoods within bio-medical laboratories.

Fume Hoods (2.18 MB / PPT)

Gas Safety: Safety measures related to the correct use and handling of compressed gas cylinders.

Gas Safety (4.08 MB / PPT)

Health and Safety Law: A brief summary of aspects of health and safety laws and regulations as they apply to activities within University buildings on the Little France campus.

Health & Safety Law (2.86 MB / PPT)

Incubators: Guidance for staff relating to the hazards and safe operation of incubators in biomedical laboratories.

Incubators (730.5 KB / PPT)

Induction Training: A brief summary of safety arrangements for University buildings on the Little France campus.

Induction Training (12.35 MB / PPT)

Infection Control: Basics relating to the control of possible infection risks within University of Edinburgh biomedical laboratories on the Little France campus

Infection Control (1.77 MB / PPT)

Kitchens: Safety arrangements for kitchens within University buildings on the Little France campus.

Safety in Kitchens (3.89 MB / PPT)

Late & Lone Working: Policies and guidance for staff expecting or required to be present inside any University premises on the Little France/Bioquarter campus outside hours of expected buildings occupancy.


Liquid Nitrogen Safety: Safety measures related to the correct use and handling of liquid nitrogen.

Liquid Nitrogen Safety (2.72 MB / PPT)

Management of Occupational Road Risk: Safety arrangements for those who may be required to use a pool car or their own car for work purposes related to University buildings on the Little France campus.


Maternity: A brief summary of the practical implications of pregnancy as it may apply to those working within University laboratories on the Little France campus.

Maternity (1.35 MB / PPT)

Microbiological Safety Cabinets: Guidance regarding the safe use of Microbiological Safety Cabinets within bio-medical laboratories.

Safety Cabinets (2.69 MB / PPT)

Microtomes and Cryostats: Guidance for staff relating to the hazards and safe operation of microtome and cryostat apparatus.

Microtomes (1.36 MB / PPT)

Microwave Ovens: Guidance for staff relating to the hazards and safe operation of microwave ovens in biomedical laboratories.

Microwave Ovens (3.47 MB / PPT)

Mobility Impairment: Fire safety arrangements for University buildings on the Little France campus, with particular emphasis for those who may have some degree of mobility impairment or other disability that could affect their capacity to perceive or respond appropriately to a building emergency.

Mobility Impairment (1.36 MB / PPT)

Personal Protective Equipment: Safety measures related to the correct use of the range of personal protective equipment that is commonly available within laboratories.


Pipetting Safely: Safety measures related to pipetting within laboratories.

Pipetting Safety (1.64 MB / PPT)

Risk Assessment: A brief summary of aspects of risk assessment as it applies to activities within University buildings on the Little France campus.

Risk Assessment (7.04 MB / PPT)

Safety Around the LF Campus: Guidance for staff relating to certain hazards that are an almost constant feature of the BioQuarter/Little France campus, particularly pertaining to the implications of construction and maintenance activities for pedetstrian, cycle and motor vehicle traffic. *NEW*

Safety around the Campus (1.31 MB / PPT)

Safety in Offices: Safety arrangements for offices within University buildings on the Little France campus.

Safety in Offices (2.52 MB / PPT)

Sharps Injuries: Safety measures related to use of sharp items, such as hypodermic needles, within laboratories.

Sharps Injuries (1.34 MB / PPT)

Skin Protection: Safety measures for laboratory workers handling substances that have the potential to damage their skin.

Skin Protection (4.02 MB / PPT)

Slips and Trips: Guidance for building users regarding the potential for slip and trip injuries and some means to prevent these.

Slips & Trips (1.05 MB / PPT)

Spill Management: The safe management of spillages within University laboratories on the Little France campus.

Spill Management (1.03 MB / PPT)

Waste Management: Guidance for staff relating to policies and procedures for waste management within Little France, including clinical and laboratory waste, radioactive waste, cytotoxic waste, general refuse, etc.

Waste Management (3.61 MB / PPT)

Why H&S? A justification for health and safety, and the management arrangements for University buildings on the Little France campus.

Why Health & Safety (4.03 MB / PPT)