This manual provides an overview of health and safety and general buildings information for all University operations on the Little France site. There are specific local safety rules for laboratories on each floor of both buildings that must be used in conjunction with this Manual. Document Cover Sheet (455.48 KB / PDF) Document Detailed table of contents (359.13 KB / PDF) Document Preface (144.59 KB / PDF) Document Key Emergency Actions (352.11 KB / PDF) Document Who has responsibilities & to whom should I report a problem? (114.94 KB / PDF) Document Record of Amendments (106.95 KB / PDF) Document Significant Changes v1.4 (137.85 KB / 4) Document Document Control (147.73 KB / PDF) Document 1. University of Edinburgh Safety Policy Statement (114.15 KB / UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT) Document 2. Edinburgh BioQuarter Campus Safety Policy Statement (144.15 KB / EDINBURGH BIOQUARTER CAMPUS SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT) Document 3. Smoking Policy (135.09 KB / SMOKING POLICY) Document 4. Safety Audits & Inspections, Enforcement & Inspections by Regulatory Authorities (175.82 KB / SAFETY AUDITS & INSPECTIONS, ENFORCEMENT & INSPECTIONS BY REGULATORY AUTHORITIES) Document 5. Fire Procedures (1.44 MB / FIRE PROCEDURES ) Document 6. Mobility, Sensory and Cognitive Impairment and Buildings Emergencies (756.46 KB / MOBILITY, SENSORY AND COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT AND BUILDINGS EMERGENCIES) Document 7. Roles & Responsibilities (362 KB / ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES) Document 8. Risk Assessment and Supervision (232.97 KB / RISK ASSESSMENT AND SUPERVISION) Document 9. Out-of-Hours Working (220.15 KB / OUT-OF-HOURS WORKING) Document 10. Lone Working (205.41 KB / LONE WORKING) Document 11.FIRST AID, ACCIDENTS & NEAR-MISS REPORTING (323.27 KB / FIRST AID, ACCIDENTS & NEAR-MISS REPORTING) Document 12. General Safety Precautions (175.95 KB / GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS) Document 13. General Laboratory Safety Precautions (162.81 KB / GENERAL LABORATORY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS) Document 14 Special Safety Precautions (1.72 MB / PDF) Document 15. Cleaning of Laboratories (276.85 KB / CLEANING OF LABORATORIES) Document 16. MANUAL HANDLING (289.46 KB / MANUAL HANDLING) Document 17. DISPLAY SCREEN EQUIPMENT (205.96 KB / DISPLAY SCREEN EQUIPMENT) Document 18. WASTE MANAGEMENT (255.76 KB / WASTE MANAGEMENT) Document 19. Disposal of Radioactive Waste (537.23 KB / DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE) Document 20 Security (508.18 KB / PDF) Document 21. Security Cards & Keys (298.57 KB / SECURITY CARDS & KEYS) Document 23. University Stores & Deliveries (403.6 KB / UNIVERSITY STORES & DELIVERIES ) Document 24. Buildings Systems (465.03 KB / BUILDINGS SYSTEMS) Document 25. Building Fabric & Infrastructure (296.82 KB / BUILDING FABRIC & INFRASTRUCTURE) Document 26. Building Facilities (485.12 KB / BUILDING FACILITIES) Document 27. General Safety for Contractors, Sub-Contractors and Outside Workers (345.39 KB / GENERAL SAFETY FOR CONTRACTORS, SUB-CONTRACTORS AND OUTSIDE WORKERS) Document 28. Auditoria Overview (171.01 KB / AUDITORIA OVERVIEW) Document 29. Medical Library (136.2 KB / MEDICAL LIBRARY) Document 30. Offices and Communal Areas (147.86 KB / OFFICES AND COMMUNAL AREAS) Document 31. Conferences and Large-Scale Events (271.36 KB / CONFERENCES AND LARGE-SCALE EVENTS) Document 32. Health & Safety Training (294.88 KB / HEALTH & SAFETY TRAINING) Document 33. Insurance (175.01 KB / INSURANCE) Document 34. Business Continuity Planning (171.86 KB / BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING) Document 35. Occupational Road Risk (165.72 KB / OCCUPATIONAL ROAD RISK) Appendix 1: Fire Co-ordinators, Evacuation Assembly Point Controllers, Fire Stewards, Fire Stewards weekly checks, and Recovery Teams Appendix 2: Members of Little France Buildings Health & Safety Committee and Floor-level Health & Safety Committees Document Appendix 3 - List of Hazards which need to be considered when carrying out Risk Assessments (277.65 KB / PDF) Document Appendix 4 - Schedule 1 poisons & Schedule 5 Substances (246.81 KB / PDF) Document Appendix 5 - Incompatible chemicals. materials liable to form peroxides in storage & substances of very high concern (257.03 KB / MATERIALS LIABLE TO FORM PEROXIDES IN STORAGE & SUBSTANCES OF VERY HIGH CONCERN) Appendix 6: First Aiders Document Appendix 7 - Health & Safety Induction & Continuation Training records (343.82 KB / PDF) Document Appendix 8 - Health & Safety Signage (387.6 KB / PDF) Document Appendix 9: Health & Safety-Related Acts & Regulations (443.52 KB / PDF) Appendix 10: Regulation of drug precursors Appendix 11: Little France Building 's Health and Safety Committees Appendix 12: Little France Building 's Health and Safety Management Structure Appendix 13: Supplementary local Health & Safety policies and guidance notes Document CMVM H&S Manual Appendix 14 (417.82 KB / PDF) Document CMVM Health and Safety Little France Appendix 15 (414.56 KB / PDF) Document CMVM Health and Safety Little France Appendix 16 (239.81 KB / PDF) Document CMVM Health and Safety - Little France - Appendix 17 (274.66 KB / PDF) This article was published on 2024-09-09