Nominations are open for Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) Awards

Nominations for the CMVM Postdoc Appreciation Week Awards are now open!!!

The Awards

The CMVM Postdoc Appreciation Week Awards aim to recognise the exceptional contribution of research staff to the University.  In particular, they aim to reward those who excel in what they do, who ‘go the extra mile’ in their work, in their contribution to the life of the University, in their contribution to public engagement and community involvement and in the provision of support to their colleagues and Centres.

We encourage all staff and students to think of postdoctoral research staff who have performed exceptionally well over the last year and to nominate them!

Winners will be announced during National Postdoc Appreciation Week 16-20 September 2024.

Who can be nominated?

Postdoctoral researchers and equivalent staff in research or research-support roles (e.g. facility staff) can be nominated.  Nominees must be in post until the end of September 2024.

Who can nominate?

Individuals who work with or are supervised by the individual.  This can include peers, research staff, academics, heads of departments, professional services staff and other colleagues. Self-nominations are accepted.

Reviewers will focus on the content, not the number of nominations received for each individual. 

What to include in the nomination?

The nomination should summarise your main reasons for nominating the person in less than 300 words.

The supporting statement should include specific evidence and examples, describing what the contribution of the individual was, as well as the impact it had.  This may be an impact on the nominator, other colleagues, on their field of research, on widening knowledge of their research out with their own research groups/Centre.  The examples above can be used as a guide but is not exhaustive.

Ensure achievement are relevant to the category you have chosen.  Note that not all the elements listed are required and that the list is not exhaustive.

If relevant you can highlight at the end of your nomination some specific or extenuating circumstances that you feel the panel should be aware of.

The nomination should relate to academic year 2023/24.

Closing date

Friday 30th August at 5.00pm

Nomination Form

Form to nominate


There will be one winner for each category (£30 voucher) and one runner up (£20 voucher). 

The categories are