Nominations for the CMVM Postdoc Appreciation Week Awards are now open!!! The Awards The CMVM Postdoc Appreciation Week Awards aim to recognise the exceptional contribution of research staff to the University. In particular, they aim to reward those who excel in what they do, who ‘go the extra mile’ in their work, in their contribution to the life of the University, in their contribution to public engagement and community involvement and in the provision of support to their colleagues and Centres. We encourage all staff and students to think of postdoctoral research staff who have performed exceptionally well over the last year and to nominate them! Winners will be announced during National Postdoc Appreciation Week 16-20 September 2024. Who can be nominated? Postdoctoral researchers and equivalent staff in research or research-support roles (e.g. facility staff) can be nominated. Nominees must be in post until the end of September 2024. Who can nominate? Individuals who work with or are supervised by the individual. This can include peers, research staff, academics, heads of departments, professional services staff and other colleagues. Self-nominations are accepted. Reviewers will focus on the content, not the number of nominations received for each individual. What to include in the nomination? The nomination should summarise your main reasons for nominating the person in less than 300 words. The supporting statement should include specific evidence and examples, describing what the contribution of the individual was, as well as the impact it had. This may be an impact on the nominator, other colleagues, on their field of research, on widening knowledge of their research out with their own research groups/Centre. The examples above can be used as a guide but is not exhaustive. Ensure achievement are relevant to the category you have chosen. Note that not all the elements listed are required and that the list is not exhaustive. If relevant you can highlight at the end of your nomination some specific or extenuating circumstances that you feel the panel should be aware of. The nomination should relate to academic year 2023/24. Closing date Friday 30th August at 5.00pm Nomination Form Form to nominate Prizes There will be one winner for each category (£30 voucher) and one runner up (£20 voucher). The categories are Contribution to Citizenship This award honors an individual who actively contributes to citizenship and is involved in related activities in their Centre/Institute, College and/or the University as well as professional activities outside the University which may include: equality, diversity and inclusion; mentorship; professional activities; membership of internal/external boards; committees and advisory panels; involvement in professional societies. Contribution to communities, knowledge exchange, public engagement This award is given to an individual who has fostered transformative connections with external partners or who has impactfully engaged with the public by allowing them to contribute their knowledge, expertise and time by co-designing projects, contributing to patient involvement, running citizen science projects and have demonstrated excellence in engaging with audiences beyond their field of research. This category includes local, national and international connections. Fosters collaborations that connect University expertise with external partners or the public to deliver positive social change; Deliver demonstrable and lasting impact for the University’s community; Encourages and engages colleagues to work in partnership to achieve shared goals; Consulting with people with lived experiences to promote co-design and citizen science projects. Outstanding postdoc This award is given to an individual who inspires and encourages the people they work with. It recognises those who contribute to team performance by providing advice and support and helping others overcome obstacles to accomplish success. Recognises an individual who has been an outstanding mentor to colleagues over a sustained period and has had a significant impact on helping others establish themselves professionally. The winner will be a dependable team player who shows integrity, empathy and respect for others, and who builds and maintains great working relationships. Willingly anticipates and responds to the needs of others; carefully considers how their actions affect others; Looks for ways to help their colleagues; shares information and ideas to help others achieve their goals; Shows appreciation and enthusiasm towards other people in the institution; makes a special effort to welcome new members to the College; Encourages people to think of themselves as a team; considers projects and goals in terms of group accomplishments and efforts; Demonstrates a commitment to supporting the development of others, encouraging them to progress in their career; Acts with openness and integrity, providing support and understanding; Is an excellent role model to other colleagues, providing guidance and inspiration. Contribution to scientific advancement This award recognises an individual who has delivered outstanding outcomes from their working year, across the range of output types. Publications that make significant knowledge gains and have received additional impact, e.g. through editorials, media engagement, initiations to talk; New technologies or development of step-changing methodologies; Patient trials, efficacy studies, work on public bodies, government advisory or policy roles; Academic support and recognition of expertise or support for further work, e.g. significant external funding, fellowship success, election to boards, learned societies or expert panels; Commercial success, e.g. spin outs, significant commercial partnerships or patents. Student support and supervision This award honors an individual who has demonstrated excellence with supervising and supporting students. Acts with openness and integrity, providing support and understanding; Provides clear training and has a keen interest in development and career trajectory of their students; Gives advice, guidance and offers their time generously within their own role’s capacity; Excellent communication and planning. This article was published on 2024-09-09