Centre for Cardiovascular Science Seminars - 2013-2014

Seminars hosted by the Centre for Cardiovascular Science, held at 12pm-1pm in the Wellcome Auditorium, QMRI, Little France.

Tuesday 18th March 2014

Title: Impact of adrenocortical steroid receptors for myocardial healing and remodellin

Speaker: Professor Johann Bauersachs, Hannover Medical School

Tuesday 11th March 2014

Title: From Glucocorticoids and Cushing’s to NAD+ Signalling and Metabolism

Speaker: Gareth Lavery, Centre for Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism (CEDAM), University of Birmingham

Tuesday 4th March 2014

Title: Transcriptional regulation and trafficking of microRNA-503 in microvascular complication of diabetes

Speaker: Dr Andrea Caporali, University of Edinburgh

Tuesday 25th February 2014

Title: Using SILAC-based proteomics to investigate angiogenesi

Speaker: Dr Sara Zanivan, Vascular Proteomics Laboratory, Beatson Institute for Cancer Research

Tuesday 18th February 2014

Title: From cardiovascular development to disease: broken hearts in the young and old

Speaker: Professor Deborah Henderson, Newcastle University

Tuesday 4th February 2014

Title: Marrow adipose tissue: metabolism and endocrine functions

Speaker: Professor Ormond MacDougald, University of Michigan

Tuesday 28th January 2014

Title: Trials and tribulations in lipid lowering therapy

Speaker: Professor Chris Packard, University of Glasgow

Tuesday 21st January 2014

Title: Fetal Programming of Brain Development - Role of Intrauterine Stress and Stress Biology in Susceptibility to Psychopathology

Speaker: Professor Claudia Buss, Department of Medical Psychology, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Tuesday 14th January 2014

Title: Sex, serotonin and pulmonary hypertension

Speaker: Professor Margaret (Mandy) MacLean, University of Glasgow

Tuesday 3rd December 2013

Title: VEGF receptor interactions

Speaker: Dr Melissa Cudmore, CVS, QMRI


Tuesday 26th November 2013

Title: Using routine clinical data to deliver Genomic discovery

Speaker: Professor Colin Palmer, Medical Research Institute, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School

Tuesday 19th November 2013

Title: Metabolic regulation of cell proliferation

Speaker: Professor Eyal Gottlieb, Beatson Institute, Glasgow

Tuesday 5th November 2013

Title: Integrative Physiology: What about lipoproteins in insulin resistance?

Speaker: Professor Peter Voshel, Cambridge University

Tuesday 29th October 2013

Title: The Response of Endothelial Cells to Elevated Shear Stress

Speaker: Dr Stephen White, Bristol University

Tuesday 22nd October 2013

Title: Investigating mechanisms of calcification

Speaker: Dr Vicky Macrae, University of Edinburgh, Roslin Institute

Tuesday 8th October 2013

Title: Bridging the gap between genetic association signals and mechanisms for type 2 diabetes and related traits

Speaker: Dr Anna Gloyn, University of Oxford

Tuesday 1st October 2013

Title: An AMPK-ATF1 axis integrates iron and lipid regulation in Mhem macrophages with atheroprotective properties

Speaker: Dr Joseph Boyle, Imperial College, London

Tuesday 24th September 2013

Title: Targeting BACE1 to alleviate diabetes and obesity

Speaker: DProfessor Mike Ashford, University of Dundee