Evidence and action

Edinburgh History of Medicine Group Lecture Edinburgh. 3rd Centenary of Public Health in Edinburgh Lecture

The legacy of John Snow. Views from the literature of Scotland on the potential for health

John Snow demonstrated a key characteristic of the doctor - the linking of the collection of evidence and the need to take decisive action. To consider this aspect further, the literature of Scotland will be reviewed to show that although the determinants of health (lifestyle, social factors, the environment, the provision of a health service and biological factors) have been identified they have, in many instances, not been acted upon by individuals or communities. The knowledge is available but the potential for health not realised.

  • Speaker: Professor Sir Kenneth Calman, University of Glasgow
  • Date: Thursday, 5 December 2013
  • Venue: Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 9 Queen Street Edinburgh EH2 1JQ

Refreshments are available from 4.30 pm; the seminar begins at 5.15 pm and should finish around 6.30 pm.

Admission to the seminar is free.

More information available on the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh website: