Centre for Reproductive Health

The Centre for Reproductive Biology organises an annual programme of seminars by research scientists from around the world whose work complements that being done within MRC Human Reproductive Sciences Unit and University of Edinburgh Division of Reproductive and Developmental Sciences.

Seminar series Winter 2014

All seminars will be in the Wellcome Lecture Theatre in the Queen's Medical Research Institute at 12.30pm-1.30pm, unless otherwise stated.

Attendees for seminars should be seated five minutes before the advertised start time. Mobile phones and other devices with audible alarms should be switched off when entering the Auditorium. An Induction Loop system is in operation within the Auditorium.

Monday 31st March 2014

Title: Regulation of the uterine/placental boundary by the immune system

Speaker: Prof Ashley Moffett, University of Cambridge

Monday 24th March 2014

No seminar

Monday 17th March 2014

Title: Introducing Cervical Cancer Prevention Services and HPV testing to rural Malawi

Speaker: Prof. Heather Cubie, Division of Pathology, University of Edinburgh

Monday 10th March 2014

Title: microRNA programming by maternal diet

Speaker: Dr. Martin Bushell, MRC Toxicology Unit, University of Leicester

Monday 3rd March 2014

Title: Found in Translation: Cancer-associated hydroxylases target the protein synthesis apparatus

Speaker: Dr. Matthew Coleman, University of Birmingham

Monday 17th February 2014

Title: Characterisation and manipulation of avian germ cells during development

Speaker: Dr. Mike McGrew, Roslin Institute

Monday 10th February 2014

No seminar

Monday 3rd February 2014

Title: The regulation of endometrial regeneration; mechanisms contributing to repair and restoration of tissue integrity following menses

Speaker: Dr. Fiona Cousins, Centre for Reproductive Health

Monday 27th January 2014

Title: tbc

Speaker: tbc

Monday 20th January 2014

Title: The Placental Integrated Stress Response, Growth Restriction and Pre-eclampsia

Speaker: Prof. Graham Burton, Director, Centre for Trophoblast Research, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge