A prestigious award to recognise outstanding contributions to the field of developmental psychology has been awarded to Dr Sue Fletcher-Watson of the University’s Patrick Wild Centre. The annual prize – the Margaret Donaldson Early Career Prize – is awarded by the British Psychological Society to researchers within ten years of completing their PhD. Learning disorders Dr Fletcher-Watson’s research focuses on how children develop and learn, with particular interest in how this is altered in children with learning disorders and intellectual disabilities. Her work explores how we can characterise the early abilities and difficulties of babies who have either already experienced adversity – such as those born prematurely – or who later go on to receive a specific diagnosis, such as autism. Interventions Her research aims to improve outcomes for such babies and young children through the development of new interventions. Keynote address As winner of the award, Dr Fletcher-Watson has been invited to deliver a keynote address at the annual conference of the British Psychological Society’s Developmental Section. Related links Margaret Donaldson Early Career Prize Patrick Wild Centre Publication date 01 Feb, 2016