Pig genome breakthrough

Researchers at Edinburgh have unravelled the genetic code of pigs in a radically new way.

The development - by scientists at Edinburgh Genomics, The Roslin Institute and Genus-PIC, an international genetics company - could help the search for personalised medical treatments.

Using a technique called Exome Sequencing researchers decoded the most important parts of swine DNA.

Identifying pig genes in this cost-effective way could also help improve porcine health and increase the sustainability of livestock farming.

The development of a novel genomic platform is a significant output from the long term strategic partnership between The Roslin Institute and Genus. Within the Institute, we see many applications of this platform in biomedical research as well as more applied applications in animal breeding.Professor David Hume
Director of The Roslin Institute and a co-author of the study

Exome sequencing has been used already in humans to help diagnose disorders associated with the mutation of a single gene.

Results of the latest research, published in the journal BMC Genomics, were generated from genetic sequencing of 96 pigs.

Scientists will use this data to improve breeding selection in swine.

Genus-PIC will continue to invest in and partner with leading global institutions to develop the next generation of technologies that drive faster genomic progress. We are committed to using these techniques to deliver the best products to our customers.Dr. Jonathan Lightner
Genus Chief Scientific Officer