Epilepsy research online

The Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre may be a ‘centre without walls’ but it is not a centre without a website as it launches its brand new home on the web.

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The Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre may be based at the University of Edinburgh but its researchers collaborate globally to progress the understanding and treatment of childhood epilepsy. By investigating the causes of childhood epilepsy, the team aim to develop new treatments and inform public health strategies.

Research family

The Centre forms part of Edinburgh Neuroscience alongside the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic, the Euan MacDonald Centre for Motor Neurone Disease Research and the Patrick Wild Centre for Research into Autism, Fragile X Syndrome and Intellectual Disabilities.

By working together with all of these Centres; the Muir Maxwell Centre aspires to revolutionise research and clinical care in epilepsy and through collaboration, address the many aspects of epilepsy.

Areas of expertise

Centre members include people with expertise in brain cell development, synaptic function, genetics, protein biochemistry, cell biology, brain imaging, clinical trials, neuropsychology, epidemiology, public health, informatics, and medical sociology.

The Centre’s Directors are clinical paediatric neurologist; Dr Richard Chin and cell biologist, Professor Mike Cousin. The complimentary areas of expertise offered by both of the Directors summarise the clinical and pre-clinical focus of the centre’s work.

New home on the web

The new website was launched at the end of 2014 coinciding with a press release focussing on the Centre’s participation in clinical trials of a new treatment derived from the cannabis plant.

Visitors to the website are met with plenty of images which depict the variety of work taking places within the Centre, from young patients meeting with NHS clinicians at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children to researchers manipulating and cloning DNA in the lab.

The images on the website, coupled with the ‘our research’ section, illustrate the ‘bench to bedside’ ethos of medicine at Edinburgh.

Information source

The website has purposefully been designed to cater for a wide range of visitors from those wishing to increase their knowledge of epilepsy to researchers looking for a particular paper on specific subject.

From the home page visitors can select their journey through the site - finding out more about the team, their work and their collaborators along the way.

There are also opportunity to get involved with the Muir Maxwell Centre via teaching and learning and also to donate and help fund future research.

As the years have gone by we have slowly lost our son to epilepsy. Research into identifying new treatments, like what is being done at the Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre, is vital. It gives us hope that maybe one day we will get our son back again.

Struan and Lorraine Robertson
Parents of Max

Your support

The Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre is constantly working towards developing treatments for those children and families affected by epilepsy and has already benefited from alumni support.

If you would like to find out more about how you can support the Centre, please contact our Individual Giving Officer, Kerry Mackay.