Vet students praised for mentoring scheme

Vet students are helping their first year counterparts to study more effectively through a pioneering peer learning scheme.

The University of Edinburgh project recently received an Impact Award for Best Peer Assisted Learning Scheme at a student-led event on campus.

Study tips

The VetPALs initiative encourages students who have been at university for more than a year to pass on study tips to first years.

They cover topics such as how to take notes in lectures, writing essays and lab book reports, revision techniques and how to prepare for exams.

We’re delighted that our students have been recognised for their efforts to help each other integrate and succeed in their veterinary education.

Dr Jessie Paterson
Lecturer in Student Learning, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies


The scheme was established at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies to aid the transition from school to university.

Ten one-hour sessions are held throughout the academic year, led by a team of trained VetPAL Leaders who are selected from senior students.

Adapting to university study takes time and can be challenging. University is very different from school and for many this is the first time they are living away from home.

Dr Jessie Paterson
Lecturer in Student Learning, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies