BioQuarter Postdoc Poster Symposium - Tuesday 19th September (PAW)

Join us for an exciting day of discovery and networking with a chance to showcase your amazing work as BioQuarter postdoctoral researchers.

Everyone is welcome to attend, BioQuarter postdocs are encouraged to present their research to highlight the importance of their work.


  • 10.00 poster set up
  • 10.30 poster session (I) with coffee
  • 11.15 welcome talk (Joe Rainger)
  • 1130 public engagement experience (Faye Watson), meet your champions (M Main, S Farnworth-McHugh, BT Selvaraj), BioQuarter postdoc society
  • 1200 flash talks
  • 1230 lunch break
  • 1330 poster session (II)
  • 1415 awards

From 5pm there will be a social event/networking time to welcome new and less new postdocs.

Register your interest via the link!