Careers Beyond Academia - Dr Sana Maqsood Thursday 9th March 2023

Dr. Sana Maqsood completed her undergraduate in Medical Science from University of Edinburgh, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine followed by Masters degree and then PhD in Cardiovascular Research, funded by British Heart Foundation and in collaboration with Harvard Medical School.

During the second year of her PhD, her second (i.e. day to day supervisor) Dr. Sebastian Piperhoff left academia to pursue a career as Medical Science Liaison Manager. That inspired her to look further into a career in Industry and soon after completing her PhD she started working with Boehringer Ingelheim in Cardio-Renal and Metabolic therapy area. She will guide her talk to deliver an understanding of Medical Affairs, how to thrive in this competitive field to secure your first role, transferable skills you can use from academia and whether this job really is for you?

Sana would be very happy to have a discussion to support aspiring Medical Science Liaisons to excel further in their career. Lastly please check out Sana's LinkedIn page should you like to see her career progression.