Translational funding options

Details of translational funding opportunities available to researchers.

There are a number of translational funding opportunities available to researchers  within the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.  

  • Do you have an idea that addresses an unmet clinical need or that has ‘game changing’ potential?
  • Is it time to prove that your idea will work and take it to the next stage of development?
  • Would you like to visit a company to present your project idea or bring the company to Edinburgh to showcase your centre's work?
  • Have you thought about working in and experiencing an industrial environment for a short period of time, exchanging ideas and knowledge with a commercial company?

These funds can support a vast array of translational work, commercial activities and industrial engagement.  Join the translational community


The MRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA), previously known as Confidence in Concept, is intended to support the translation of fundamental science into new therapies, diagnostics, medical devices and technologies to benefit human health. The fund is part of the UKRI IAA funding programme 2022 - 2026.

The new funding is available for impact or translational projects that include at least two researchers representing separate council remits (BBSRC, EPSRC, MRC/ Wellcome Trust iTPA)

Support for early stage projects with a clear translational focus.

Support to enable translational and commercialisation activities from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) funded research.

Supports industry engagement and commercialisation activities from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded research.